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Comment Re:why ? (Score 2) 214

I agree with you that it does not make a difference from whome the organs come from, regardless whether this is a prisoner or someone else. But I think you should have to have the possibility to opt out, again regardless whether you are in prison or not. At the end of the day it is your body and this is a human right they are taking away from you.

The problem of too little organ donors in some countries could easily be solved with opting out systems. A lot of people are just too lazy to opt out. However also some countries with opt out systems like Sweden have low donor rates.

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snydeq writes: "Heavy-duty mobile IT apps for the iPad, iPhone, and Android devices have many IT departments embracing mobile technology for IT admins and support staff, InfoWorld reports. 'Want remote desktop access from your Android? Need to initiate a terminal session from your iPad or build a virtual machine from your BlackBerry? Thanks to a rising tide of applications that provide (at a minimum) meaningful access to the Web interfaces of your favorite administrative and troubleshooting programs, you can do all this and more. Although full-featured applications that match the true power and ease of use of their PC or Mac counterparts remain harder to find, smartphones and tablets with bigger screens and more power have many IT departments eyeing the long-term possibilities of an increasingly mobile IT work force.'"

Comment Re:Of course they should (Score 1) 326

Billionaires are the people who (in general) rose above their competition and found great success. Why wouldn't you want them to control schools? Does it really make more sense to have schools controlled by mediocre individuals?

Yes and they got all their money through hard work. There is no way they did not inherit their wealth, they were always loyal citizens, never broke any rules or crushed their rivals.
It think is enough if they have to deal with Zuckerburg outside school.

Comment Seal of quality? (Score 1) 570

Don't you have any independent seals of quality in the US?
In Europe seals of quality exist, which guarantee that 100% of the donation is transferred to the relief projects. This way you could be sure, that no money is wasted.

Another possibility is to directly donate food or clothes.

Comment Re:Macular degeneration? (Score 1) 46

According to this study, reading requires approximately a field of 3 by 5 degrees. With the retinal implant used (38x40 pixels) a field of view of 11 x 11 degrees was restored.
I do not think that the number of electrodes is the limiting factor. I guess the size of the electrodes and therefore the resolution achieved is really important. Another thing is that the contrast has to be sufficient to be able to detect things.

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