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Comment Tyson's is correct but Bad Astronomer's better (Score 5, Interesting) 438

OK, I saw the movie, it is awesome in the true sense of the word awe, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The special effects are great, the story line simple and engaging. The the effects, especially the interior shots, are very detailed and the few technical issues didn't pull me out of the film to a large degree. While Tyson's comments are correct I think the link below from Bad Astronomer is a more interesting and full description of the issues:

Comment evasion (Score 1) 582

"I believe in evading and disintermediating the state", hmmm, so does he use the highways payed for by state and federal taxes to pick up the parts needed to make the gun or used by USPS/UPS/FedEx etc. to deliver the parts? I'm sure if his house is on fire or he or a family member have a medical emergency that he'll be turning down help from the emergency responders.

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