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Comment Windows 8 looks hilarious now... (Score 1) 255

...but Windows versions never catch on until people realize how useful their "killer feature" is.

XP's killer feature was comparative stability. Vista's was shiny-pretty value and natively playing well with a lot of things that previously needed third-party software. 7's was polish. 8's is almost entirely the touch interface. If touchscreens on decent machines become more prevalent, people will fucking love Windows 8.

Comment This Gamasutra Article is Misleading. (Score 0) 409

First off: Apple is only having people remove the apps in countries where the copyright is valid. Remember - U.S. public domain is not valid everywhere. I believe that copyright law is largely made of feces just as much as the next programmer, but this is not surprising.

Secondly: The article makes no mention of whether or not Apple is removing apps which use the word "Memory" outside of the context of the puzzle game for which Ravensburger holds the copyright. At least in U.S. copyright law, context and usage play important parts.

This would be a useful place to practice skeptical thinking. Why is Gamasutra writing this article? Why did they leave out these details? I would wager that the answer to these questions is, "To stir up shit."

Comment Re:Offline maps are great when travelling (Score 1) 57

Yeah, but unless it has been within the last month or two that this has happened, it's still not great. Travelling between Ohio and Indiana, there is a pretty long stretch of no 3G access on my phone, and my map just listed blank nothingness. If you're using the Google Navigation tool, it really should just pre-cache the entire map to your destination.

Comment Re:Invent your own exercises (Score 1) 284

I'll agree that it's a poor analogy. But what I'm saying is more equivalent to asking the teacher to invent a new medium, like the soft part of feathers to paint on ceramic or something.

Still, I think that telling teachers that they have to invent their own exercises is a poor choice, since it's hard to make good exercises. And it's really easy to make bad, poorly-defined ones.

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