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Comment Re:sue Amtrak and JetBlue (Score 0) 675

I'll use it because it is a legitimate concern jackass.

The law might not exist but one of the tenets of law enforcement agencies is "to protect and serve". If they did nothing while someone was taking pictures and that person ended up being part of some kind of terrorist scheme people would be up in arms that nothing was done.

I always find it interesting when people have this Utopian view of things when in reality risks have to be taken to ensure the world runs smoothly. Get your head out of your ass. Your civil liberties don't always trump the good intentions of the well meaning.

What use is your argument, when Amtrak literally invites people to take pictures:

"Photo contest winner to appear on Amtrak's 2004 wall calendar

WASHINGTON - Do you have the perfect photo of an Amtrak train or are you ready to snap it? One that makes anyone who sees it yearn to climb on board and travel across America? If so, it could become a part of an Amtrak tradition -- the corporation's annual wall calendar."

You did not even bother to read the summary, did you?

Please note that I acknowledged the lack of communication being the catalyst for this situation. Had the marketing department notified the Amtrak police of the contest we would likely not be talking about this right now. But, since the law enforcement was seeing things in light of the state of affairs they are working under, they did what they felt was the right course of action.

Now, had the marketing department informed the necessary parties and they still behaved this way after the facts presented themselves, I would have no love for them.

Comment Re:sue Amtrak and JetBlue (Score -1, Troll) 675

And it doesn't always work that way does it? There are times when people with the authority make the decision that civil liberties are less important than the safety of the masses and rightly so.

Granted, this is often overdone(domestic wiretapping, for example) but if a law enforcement official asked someone to stop taking pictures, detained the person or asked them to delete the photos of public transportation I'd be happier than if they just sat idly by out of fear of stepping all over their precious dignity.

Comment Re:sue Amtrak and JetBlue (Score -1, Flamebait) 675

I'll use it because it is a legitimate concern jackass.

The law might not exist but one of the tenets of law enforcement agencies is "to protect and serve". If they did nothing while someone was taking pictures and that person ended up being part of some kind of terrorist scheme people would be up in arms that nothing was done.

I always find it interesting when people have this Utopian view of things when in reality risks have to be taken to ensure the world runs smoothly. Get your head out of your ass. Your civil liberties don't always trump the good intentions of the well meaning.

Comment Re:sue Amtrak and JetBlue (Score -1, Flamebait) 675

As much as I hate to use it as a excuse for them, since the Trade Center attacks photographing public transit has become a point of concern. A similar reaction could be expected of someone standing at the end of a runway taking pictures of the undersides of planes as they took off.

I agree that the lack of communication between the marketing and law enforcement departments is where things went wrong. However, it isn't the law enforcements responsibility to call every other department after an arrest to find out if something legitimate was being done. They were merely doing their jobs based on what they knew of current affairs.

Comment This doesn't surprise me in the least (Score 0) 383

Schools are allowed to make all kinds of money licensing their sports images to videogame makers while students are the players making the name for the teams. But heaven forbid the players get any of that money. All this is doing is continuing the trend. Let's take advantage of the talent we've got but not give them the benefits derived from their work. In fact, let's charge them for the work they did.

Comment Re:How about the iPod touch G2??? (Score 0) 186

I'm still waiting for my Nokia N810 WiMax. It's been on back order almost since they released it.

I keep looking for iPhone rumors indicating when they'll be available on other carriers. I don't see the point in switching networks just to buy a phone no matter how innovative it is. Likewise with the G1. I have no interest in switching to T-Mobile just for an Android-based phone. Though, I have no interest in switching to T-Mobile period.

Submission + - Will 2009 be The Year of the Mac? (

theillien2 writes: ""Windows lost nearly a full percentage point of market share for the second month in a row in December, pushing Microsoft Corp.'s operating system to a new low, an Internet measurement company reported yesterday. Meanwhile, Apple Inc.'s Mac OS X posted a record gain that brought it close to a 10% share for the first time since Net Applications Inc. began tracking operating system use." We keep hearing about how each new year will be the Year of the Linux Desktop. All the while, Apple has been unseating more and more Windows desktops right under our noses."

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