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Comment Re: "Strict Superset" (Score 1) 82

If a set A is a superset of a set B, that doesn't rule out that A = B. "A is a *strict* superset of B" implies A does not equal B. Calling Mojo a "strict superset" of Python is kind of gratuitous, because the only thing that the "strict" qualifier adds is that there is that Mojo is not just Python, but something more, which is the whole point of TFA.

Comment Re:All the comments here are poorly informed (Score 1) 62

This seems to have resulted in all the "React" stuff, front end framework bloat and general browser side emphasis for application logic. To my mind it's not the best.

It may look like framework bloat from the client side, but from a purely computational perspective, the distributed nature of in-browser computing seems a more scalable approach than doing as much as possible on the server.

Comment Re:Impressive! (Score 1) 97

They take the original image, upscale it using nearest neighbour, add a massive amount of noise and then use AI to do noise reduction.

That's not what TFS says. It says that noise is added in incremental steps to the hi-res image, and the network learns to reverse that process conditional on the low-res image.

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