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Comment Re:Who could look at statistics over the years (Score 1) 140

Well, if we're going to count every single hospital death as COVID (because we get $ 39,000 MORE in reimbursements if we do), of fucking COURSE we're going to have an inflated death count.

Oh also, if we're going to have criminal governors like Cuomo forcing nursing homes to take COVID patients, KNOWING FULL WELL that the elderly are THE #1 risk group, resulting in 1,000s of additional deaths - yeah, that's also going to skew the stats JUST A LITTLE.

Comment Re:Who could look at statistics over the years (Score 1) 140

I think your statistics are wrong, and your conclusions doubly so, but even if correct, whites are an order of magnitude more likely to commit securities fraud than African Americans. Does that mean everyone should assume that their white stockbrokers are going to cheat them?

And if the # of white stockbrokers is TWO orders of magnitude higher than AA stockbrokers?

You have GOT, GOT, GOT, to account for representation in statistical samples.

Comment Re:Who could look at statistics over the years (Score 1) 140

Oh, don't even bring up national IQ scores with these people. They will scream and cry and suffer emotional collapse and call you a racist. Funny thing is, as much as they may hate Lothrop Stoddard (there's a reason you've never heard his name in school), no one EVER disproved his research. And that dude called what's happening now, from DECADES ago.

Even IQ-impacting things that have nothing to do with race - such as first-cousin marriage - is scorned. Even though if you overlay the world IQ map with the map of countries where consanguineous marriage is legal, it's an almost perfect correlation. But you CAN'T SAY that there's more 80-IQ morons in the Middle East than in China. Even if it's an actual, proven, mathematically confirmed fact.

We live in an age where facts are racist, logic is racist, statistics are racist, and fuck it, everything is racist.

Comment The problem with this is going to be... (Score 1) 213

...like with most other bills, here's what's going to happen:
1.) Democrats have a good idea for once (broadband growth).
2.) They take that $ 100B idea and add $ 200B in pork to it.
3.) Republicans look at it and go "seriously? All this garbage?" and vote against it.
4.) Democrats turn around and go "look, we're TRYING to do a good thing and those evil backwards Republicans are KILLING it!"
5.) End result: either it dies in committee, or it takes 3X longer to pass, and the final version looks nothing like the beginning version. Because we just can't put a good idea into practice without first loading it up like a rented mule with all kinds of crap.
Bring back line item veto! Or make Congresscritters stick to a single subject on bills.

Comment Re:Wikipedia is a lost cause (Score 4, Insightful) 266

Secondary source nonsense needs to stop too

100%. I used to contribute to WP, but stopped years ago. Chiefly because I was adding articles on VERY obscure software, systems, and tools, for which there's barely any references in trade publications, much less anything in popular press.

But no, WP editors demanded citations from places like New York Times or established blogs. Yeah, OK, the NYT is going to publish an article about the inventory-control-and-parts-interchange platform that many salvage yards run on (ADP Hollander Yard Management System). Have YOU ever heard of it? No. And you wouldn't. Unless you work in the industry.

Just one example among many, where rare information was contributed, and then kicked out simply because it wasn't substantiated "enough". Even links to the publisher's web site referencing the software weren't good enough. So why should I continue to help people when it's a complete waste of time?

If Wikipedia wants to "reduce toxicity", start by cleaning their own house first, before all the virtue-signalling bullshit.

Comment Re:Impact: Not the quantity, but the lane-blocking (Score 1) 83

> it's that they stop in a traffic lane, blocking other vehicles. For this, we need draconian enforcement

What do you suggest we do in places like New York City, San Francisco, and Chicago? Level entire blocks and re-draw the street grid? Because quite often, there IS. NO. OTHER. OPTION. except stopping in a lane. Regardless of the type of vehicle - private, bus, or TNC.

Also, what are we doing about garbage trucks that park diagonally across both lanes? School buses that stop in the middle of the intersection, blocking traffic in 4 lanes? Do we give them "career-ending" fines too?

Sorry, Charlie, it's part of living in cities that were designed for horse-drawn carriages and are now packed with 20X the population and 10X the vehicular traffic.

On the other hand, totally agree with the "mass transit screwing people" issue. The NYC MTA rakes in literally multiple billions in fares and tolls, and yet somehow the buses always run like shit, the trains run like shit, the subway stations look like Stalingrad circa 1945, and there's constant outages and bypasses. Not to mention the lack of ventilation in deep stations (like Times Square), which causes people to pass out in the summer. It's 2019, air conditioning has been around for over a century.

Comment Re:33% more miles, but 50% less parking (Score 1) 83

> Now the parking lot companies and some city governments may not be happy about the reductions as parking fees and DUI tickets are profitable.

Ding-ding-ding, we have a winner! Someone should do a study on the # of DUI arrests in any particular area, with "before Uber" and "after Uber" numbers. I'm willing to bet that the numbers declined dramatically. And of course, since law enforcement isn't about public safety but about revenue generation, a LOT of people are NOT happy about that.

Comment Re:I am a long-term rideshare driver, here's the d (Score 1) 83

There's also an issue with TNCs not teaching the drivers best-practices, and not giving them simulations where they can choose different behavior patterns and/or driving habits, and have the system tell them how optimal/pessimal their choices were.

You'd be amazed how many times I've given Uber drivers suggestions, and they literally had no idea and never even thought in that direction.

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