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Comment Re:My god. (Score 0, Troll) 806

Since when do you need a supporting argument to back up that Americans are generally pretty braindead? Hell, just watch our nightly news and that's all the support you need. Most yanks live in a little bubble of society enforced self-delusion. That doesn't need an essay because that's just common knowledge.

I do have to admit I lol'd at excessive cursing. I haven't said a single thing that's "cursing." Sounds more like you're just a self-important twit who just happened to get some mod points for the month.

Comment Re:My god. (Score 0, Flamebait) 806

Lol, why the heck was I modded down troll? It's almost kind of ironic.

'Self & group deprecation won't win you friends across the pond.'
Whoever said I wanted to be friends with you? I live on a small island in Alaska for a reason.
I'm sure my opening line may have made some yanks butthurt, but that doesn't keep it from being any less true, not to mention that the rest of my post was completely on topic.

Comment Re:My god. (Score -1, Troll) 806

Americans are a bunch of knee jerky reactionists that really are about as dense as a brick of lead, and that's coming from an American. So this story really isn't that surprising. Especially with how absolutely obsessive these stupid kids are with having tons of 'friends' on facebook. They'll add anyone they know just to feel like they aren't social pariahs. Why would you have your teachers on Facebook? They don't need to know a god damned thing about your personal life. It's hardly the first time we've heard of some dumbass with people added to their facebook that really shouldn't be there (like their boss).
Retards and technology, always a bad mix.

Comment Re:Say what? (Score 1) 433

Yeah, basically. I use Windows only because I'm a gamer, not because I'm a Windows fanboy. If I could do serious gaming on Linux, I'd go with that, but that's not happening anytime soon. However, I will take every opportunity I can get to trashtalk Macs. God damned Fisher-Price my first computers.

Comment Re:For a Change? (Score 1) 187

Who cares about sales though? What are we, volunteer marketing and PR guys for Sony and Nintendo? Should we really be giving that much of a shit about who sells more?
If you're really going to use sales as a way to debate the merits and quality of a system, then by that logic the PC gaming market is truly a barren wasteland of absolute fail considering how consoles obliterate it.

Comment Re:First pirate! (Score 1) 762

Except some of us really do "try before we buy." My collection of purchased games is absolutely huge because I do believe in supporting the developers of good games. However, what's a guy to do when a game comes out with no demo eh? Not all of us are grubby thieves here. Arrrr.

Comment Re:I was pretty excited about MW2 until.... (Score 2) 313

Well said good sir. Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising just recently made this exact same retarded decision and payed for it with tons of canceled preorders and crap sales. At least the torrent speed for it was really good thanks to everyone not wanting to actually pay money for a game with gutted multiplayer.

The real joke to all of this is that I never play multiplayer games on the consoles for the sole reason that the multiplayer is always, without fail, completely terrible. Now they want to bring everything I hate about consoles to the PC. It's like they actually want us to pirate their crap.

Comment Re:Average adults have died from H1N1 (Score 1) 374

I like how you concluded your argument by suggesting that I was advocating home treatments for every disease and malady in existence and that I was arguing that doctors are a waste of time. You really are doing your damndest to troll this up aren't you? Of course, you really could just be a moron, but whatever.
The fatality rate isn't unknown, the CDC has flat out been quoted as saying that it's only slightly higher than the regular flu.
Still only registering about 1/10. Try arguing less like a right wing pundit and more like someone with some brains next time, k?

Comment Re:Doctors CAN help you (Score 1) 374

Obvious troll is obvious. The only people who should be harassing doctors with this crap are the usual flu victims, kids, old people, and unusually frail people who should be taken in anyway REGARDLESS of it being h1n1 or not. And, oh wait, what's this?
"The 22-year-old patient's immune system had been weakened by Hodgkin's disease and chemotherapy"
I'm pretty sure that counts as "unusually frail people." 1/10 try again. You may want to try reading the article you're posting as a counter-argument before hitting submit next time.
Your average healthy adult just needs some bed rest, chicken soup, and OTC drugs.

Comment Re:Spread the FUD (Score 2, Informative) 374

I was at PAX and caught something, dunno what it was but I get feeling kind of crummy. Did I run out to a fucking doctor to find out if I had "TEH SWINE FLUES!?!?!?" No. Why? Cause there's absolute fuck all they can do.
I got home, bought some Nyquil, Aspirin, Halls, a gallon of OJ, and have been getting tons of rest. As of right now I feel way better and just have an annoying slightly plhegmy cough.
All these swine flu stories are total crap and need to stop being sensationalized. The doctor cannot help you so don't go out there and clog up the hospital with your uncurable crap. Go home, get someone to run out and buy you a cocktail of over the counter drugs, and sleep it off.

Comment Re:Not even competitive for notebooks (Score 1) 119

Damn, beat me to it. My first thought when I read the comment about using one of these sticks to "extend the limited capacity of their machines (netbooks)" was somewhere along the lines of "wait wat?" I could easily put a 500 GB HD in my netbook, and my primary laptop has two 500 GB 7200 RPM HDs in a RAID 1 in it. Why the hell would I need a 1000 dollar USB stick?

Why not just get a cheap external HD? Western Digital makes some great ones.

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