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Comment Re:Solution? (Score 1) 1042

I think this was aimed mostly at families with more than one car. Lets say one car is a smaller car that gets 33 mpg and the other is a large truck that gets 10 mpg. If they are both driven the same distance it would be better for that family to get a new truck that gets 20 mpg than it would be for them to replace their 33 mpg car with a 50 mpg car. (that is assuming though that they need both a truck and a car. In a lot of rural areas having a truck to haul stuff is very handy.)

Comment Re:Shared offices (Score 1) 520

I actually know of a tech company that does this. I'm only a student so I don't know much about this, but I had a tour of a company's headquarters outside Madison, Wi and it wasn't bad at all. They took the approach that to get the most out of every developer each developer needed his/her own office (with a door that closes)...and they didn't have a dress code either.

Comment Re:Just a thought (Score 0) 149

i think what he is trying to say is "what if there was no star in the system?" as in the center of mass would be a large planet like jupiter or maybe a black hole. We would have no way of detecting these unless they some how blocked/warped the light of other known stars

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