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Comment Re:Maybe (Score 1) 241

All of them void the warranty.

You actually saw legalese on the warranty of your iDevice? all I saw was "F you, Now pay for a replacement part or pay for a replacement iDevice. Or you could use some other mp3 player, but none of them will work with iTunes so you're stuck with us anyway!"

Comment Re:I hear Wildcard Studios just licensed their wor (Score 1) 212

"I don't think piracy will be so widespread for many more years."

You are a idiot. the Internet is not a linear path, its a network. You can't block an entire network when it spans the entire world. The **AA Utter Idiots also don't seem to understand the Streisand Effect, the more you block/hide something the more people will want it, and more sites will pop up. Its like chasing a racehorse by riding a slug; They will never succeed totally.

Comment Re:not going to work (Score 1) 288

These corporations cannot on one hand screech that it's a "free market" and that they "serve only their shareholders" when committing price gouging, mass layoffs without dire need, subsidizing their low pay with public welfare, and other such actions, and then turn around and demand protection from that very "free market" when it renders them obsolete. Can't have that one both ways.

Hollywood is scared of the market it been ripping off since the internet stole control from it? that makes sense, the known con man will flee while the unknown will stay.

Comment Patent Value? pfft. (Score 0) 949

I thought copyrights, patents and trademarks had value.

You obviously don't pay attention to these things. if they actually had value or worth, the MAFIAA, Hollywood, and a few stupid game companies wouldn't know how stupid DRM is because it wouldn't exist, and the MAFIAA wouldn't be called that because their job wouldn't be to sue people, it would be whatever its supposed to be.

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