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Comment Re:No surprises here (Score 1) 391

The news here is that they were foolish enough to accept them in the first place. I had no idea that their judgment was that bad.

Care to expand that? It isn't intuitively obvious to me why accepting a no-strings gift would automatically be foolish. No, I don't accept "free" offers from spammers or telemarketers, but that's because of the strings, not necessarily the nature of the gift.

Sure, the gift might be worthless, but I wouldn't think it would be likely to have a large negative value.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 291

Oconee was the first of three nuclear stations built by Duke Energy. According to Duke Energy's web site, the station has generated more than 500 million megawatt-hours of electricity, and is "the first nuclear station in the United States to achieve this milestone."[2]


First unit came online in 1973, so they probably started building in 1968, using plans that were finalized by very conservative senior engineers in 1963 at the latest. These guys at this time would have regarded PLC's as bleeding edge experimental crap that only a fool would use in a large industrial setting.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 87

Are you telling me that while I, as a production employee, am, oh, I don't know, changing cutting heads on my milling machine or maybe unjamming a conveyor belt, some idiot of a manager can see a red icon on his desktop display, decide he needs to turn that machine back to green, and succeed? Without even coming out on the floor where I can throw a wrench at him? That's a serious flaw.

Comment Re:Rocket or missile ? (Score 1) 60

1. An object intended to be launched into the air at a target.
2. (military) A self-propelled projectile whose trajectory can be adjusted after having been launched.

Is how Wiktionary defines "missile," while a "rocket" is

1. A rocket engine.
2. (military) A non-guided missile propelled by a rocket engine.
3. A vehicle propelled by a rocket engine.
4. A rocket propelled firework, a skyrocket

Evidently the authors of definitions #2 don't quite agree, but I think you can still see the difference.

So what's a rocket engine?

A reaction engine that obtains thrust by jet propulsion which forms its jet exclusively from propellant.

I would have provided links, but, umm...

Comment Re:As much as I hate... (Score 1) 142

Without collections agencies the only reason that anybody would ever pay their bills would be because it was the ethical thing to do. Consequently the cost of just about anything would likely sky rocket.

No, without enforced collections, you'd have to pay for everything before you received it. Consequently the cost of many things would plummet, some of them dramatically. And that's before counting the effects of the resulting global depression.

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