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Comment we need new laws (Score 1) 97

that ban the sale or trade of patents. patents were designed to help individuals and now they are just corporate lawsuit tools to go after anyone for anything stupid. if you could not buy patents then when a company goes under all their patents go into the open domain and new companies could profit from using them as well as old

Comment Re:He didn't disclose what he wasn't asked (Score 4, Informative) 282

You are always asked if you were involved in lawsuits against a company. He would have been given a list of companies that Samsung has stock in or owns in part or in whole and if any of them he had 'bad feelings' against any of those companies. It is how I got out of jury duty because one of the companies was a company I did consulting at. You have to disclose that information otherwise you have a conflict of interest.

Comment having actually worked at the patent office (Score 1) 506

and given that there were lots of patents, trademarks, and more importantly the ever so vague trade dress infringements. I wonder if the jury actually made the right decision or just went with the home team ( apple ). From personal experience , when reviewing patents and prior art, the first time can take longer than a day to review. You MUST read the patents, and more importantly UNDERSTAND the patent claims and figure if the claims are broad or not. The claims are what the patent is really about and infringement means that device b actually is covered in the claims. Also additions to a feature can mean that feature is not infringing on a claim and could be a new enhancement to a device. So if Samsung took apples device and improved the device in any way, then it could be considered not infringing and a new device or new feature. Personally I believe this is Apple's way of destroying it's competition. Rather than innovate new, it is going to sue it's competition. In fact it's only real competition has been Samsung in the phone space, as all others are not doing as well in the US.

Comment Re:Some things never change.... (Score 1) 211

True, on our site IE (7 on up) make up 50% of our traffic and Chrome is about 15% and growing. Safari and iOS Safari (not totally the same thing) make up about another 25% and Firefox has about 15%. However like the video codecs in HTML5 where they split and you have to have video encoded 3 ways I could see MS making us web developers code 2 ways or us having 2 standards.

Comment too funny (Score 1) 251

So actually if you look at some of the patents that are flying around and being thrown at each other they actually all have been invented in some fashion or other before. I look at Palm. Palm had a phone that had icons that were laid out on the screen and auto arranged. This was one of apples claims against samsung and google. Palm had the 4 icons at the bottom of the touch screen before either of those two clowns did and the Treo was a phone with that feature first. Apple's suit over 'trade dress' is well silly. Yes Samsung is wrong in making it look so similar, but really is anyone that stupid that they would by a product from Samsung and think that it is an Apple ipad? The Samsung devices to not have the Apple logo on them anywhere. Dumb idea on Samsung's part? Yes, but Apple is going after everyone like Apple invented the smartphone and the tablet. Nokia actually had a tablet out for sale before Apple. It had rounded corners and they played with different designs. I just cannot believe Apple is doing what they are doing. They are going after the competition via law suits. This sounds just like Microsoft going after Linux years ago as well as SCO going after Linux years ago. Lots of FUD.

Comment nonsensical classes (Score 1) 504

Well those nonsensical classes will help you out if you ever want to do anything other than program. Also anyone can write code, but you really want to learn design patterns for the language that you are using as well as algorithms. Not all OOP languages use the same design patterns. JavaScript can only use a subset of Java / C++ design patterns. I find so many developers that can churn out code, but so much of it is bad and hard to maintain.

Comment a BASIC (Score 1) 783

WTF is a BASIC? It should be a BASIC Compiler or Interpreter not a BASIC. BASIC stands for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. Which really should have been BAPSIC but they hyphenated the All Purpose.

Why would you want BASIC anyway, it is such an antiquated language, you should be asking for Ruby instead, as NOONE does BASIC as a new shop anymore.

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