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Comment Re:post it online; problem solved (Score 2) 211

Yep, exactly what parent says. I don't see any problem (what more, I have not encountered problems) with just reserving all rights for yourself (copyright by you, as is (should be) possible with any respectable university), and then distributing it yourself, over the internet. Free and open access, and nobody can legally run off with it or put it on shady websites.

Comment All the cloud-goers; (Score 1) 264

give some thought to data security as well please. If the research done is sensitive, don't use clouds.

On the other hand, costs of self-hosting are indeed underestimated very quickly, which is not a good thing when budget is low.

Also, while manycore machines seem cost-effective, look at the solutions you are using for computation; it is hard to press a 48-core machine to peak performance, much harder than driving more standard distributed-memory supercomputers. But this depends on your application.

Buying time on an existing cluster (local university, or a dedicated HPC company) seems the surest way, and also reasonably secure when done at a trusted institute or company.

Submission + - bank lost 5.5m due to security hole (

An anonymous reader writes: Dutch police have arrested 13 people in connection with stealing of €5.5m from a Dutch bank by manipulating the bank's computer system. Police refused to say which bank was involved but said the money was taken directly from the bank rather than private accounts. Later on the dutch state owned ABN Amro declared to the press agency ANP they had an "open gate" in their trading system wich was quickly located and closed as a result of the breach. So far about 2 million of the stolen money has been traced back and police is still investigating the case.

Comment Sorry, but (Score 2) 390

this is inane. The point is the attacks not only come from the LOIC network, but other bot networks can also be employed. Therefore it is not possible to differentiate if the computer involved with an attack is a willing participant or a worm victim. So unless the authorities act on every IP-address involved and pay those IP users a personal visit, and IF these people indeed have used LOIC and managed not did not wipe it, only then they have a problem with their non/relative-anonymity. Every one of the conditionals is very questionable to ever occur.

`Anonymous' as the group is called is called such only to indicate that this group does not exist in the sense of identity or organisation. It is plain stupid to speak of anonymous as a group of this or that. One can laugh about it if the mass media doesn't get it, but it's said when universities think something like this is noteworthy. If anon bombs an address with pizza deliveries, it has never been implied that the people who call the pizza delivery companies did so using a untraceable telephone connections. Please.

Comment Canadians (Score 1) 207

Microsoft will not be arguing software patents are ludicrous before the supreme court; it will be arguing the patents are not valid. Translated: the rules apply, just not to Microsoft.

Let them get bitten in the ass by their own supported rules, and hope it happens enough times so they'll reconsider their stance.

Comment Re:the best. (Score 1) 553

In case of gcc, consider using -Wall and it will pick up on such things. Apparently it's somehow just not really forbidden by the standard. Also realise that C++, for all its OO-ness, still is a language built to give the programmer ample low-level power. With all the ugliness and weirdness that may come from it.

Comment This is EA (Score 2, Interesting) 235

I already did not expect anything else. Look at Dragon Age. Good game, but bugfest galore when it comes to DLC. And who'd you think is primarily concerned with that specific part: Bioware or EA? And do you think EA even cares, or even puts up half able people at their service desk?
More recent then: Dragon Age: Awakenings, expansion of the aforementioned game. I have never played a game which was more blatantly unfinished. Characters were rushed in, options were butchered-out. How do you know? Well, because they didn't even have the time to properly remove all traces. I realise this has been getting the norm for more and more games nowadays. But it's affecting more and more potentially really good games. Civilisation 5 anyone? Or Neverwinter Nights 2 back in the day?

My only hope is on consumer power. I will not buy any product, specifically EA products, before I *know* it is proper. I will not buy at launch. I will sit and wait until the bugs have been fixed, or until I forget about it. I hope many will do the same and companies will again produce only products which are *finished*, and developers regain their pride and tell publishers to sod off when they have to.

But thanks to the insider speaking out, confirming once again rushing is the norm nowadays.

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