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Comment Re:Well this will be true when the robots get bett (Score 1) 320

New robots/machines are most likely to appear in existing factories. And when a manufacturing company builds a brand new factory, it's likely to pick a location near existing factories. Plus it's not only about cheap labor but also about fewer regulations and more economic freedom in general.

Comment Re:Goodbye WebOS (Score 1) 178

If it's not a thin-layer above the core OS (Linux) how is that possible that it's been hacked to run on Android?

I watched a longish video discussing how webOS was developed and, well, I found it disappointing. Compare the man-months that went to webOS development to the 1.2$ bln HP paid. It just doesn't make any sense to me.

Comment Have they re-introduced frames? (Score 2) 206

Last time I checked I could not use Chrome for browsing documentation loaded from the local disk. This is the most innocent HTML application imaginable - just a frameset with the navigation panel on the left (TOC, Index, etc.) and the actual contents on the right. And Chrome will not allow one frame (e.g. the TOC) to load a page in another frame because it is a security risk. Duh...

Embedded Linux 1-Second Cold Boot To QT 141

An anonymous reader writes "The blog post shows an embedded device cold booting Linux to a QT application all in just one second. This post also includes a link which describes what modifications were made to achieve this."

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