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Comment Chia (Score 1) 168

With the size of the chia plots, even on 20tb+ drives simply copying a single tb, then wiping would make plot recovery close to impossible. Then, you would still need to have the ability to load the plot via a crypto secured method oob.

Yes, I had a large Chia farm like a moron that was 1.5pb. Yes, I used to work for a hard drive (platter and nand) company. Yes, I think destroying drives unless under contract is stupid.

Yes, I work in NAND now and most would think I have a vested interest in purging the platters, but its wasteful. Sadly, there isn't a middle ground since no company will accept liability for not destroying the drives, there is no profit.

All it takes is one employee or partner to do something, then bad things happen.

Comment Re:My COVID Symptoms (Score 1) 143

I was donating plasma for my COVID antibodies after I was cleared from symptoms a month symptom free. Today I went and they said the last plasma I gave didn't have enough antibodies, so I was only able to give five 880ml (?) donations before the antibodies were gone.

They said I could switch to giving regular plasma and I passed, lol. The plasma centers are not in the best part of town.

The fact that my antibodies after two months have hit a level where they are no longer needed is a bit intriguing. Maybe someone with a better understanding of org chem or bio chem may know why the antibodies weaken over a short period of time. Hopefully it is based on the ease of extraction or the count, but to be completely honest I have no clue. None of the research I have read clarifies what I have observed, but I am part of a couple of studies.

I hope that my small donations helped someone or some research, but I guess time will tell.

Comment My COVID Symptoms (Score 1) 143

I had COVID-19 verified with a DNA/RNA nucleoprotein test in early March, which was one of the first handful of cases in Houston. The mainstream swap test showed I was negative and that was in late February. I didn't trust it, so I paid extra for a DNA/RNA one and joined a study on the accuracy of the swab test.

My symptoms:

Fake fever (feeling hot) / two weeks
Chills and heavy sweating like fever breaking / two weeks
Heavy chest pressure /w no mucus / four weeks
Fatigue / twelve weeks (still going on..)
Headache / two weeks
COVID bloodshot eyes like I had smoked weed / one week when symptoms started
Loss of Sense of Smell/Taste / five weeks

Luckily I work remotely and we were already self-quarantining since the middle of February. I work for a Bay Area company, so I do travel there quite often and quarantined for my safety and my neighbors.

I don't care what anyone says, I had almost this exact illness between Thanksgiving and Christmas that ended with me going to the hospital.

Comment HDD HAMR/MAMR (Score 2) 143

With the advancements in 3d / 4d NAND / NVMe the transition you are seeing has been known publicly for years. The next two or three quarters will seal the fate of the traditional HDD companies, which hopefully planned for the decline with products in place for the transition.

Whoever wins the HDD HAMR or MAMR battle will likely own a good piece of the continuously shrinking HDD market. Ther loser will be in trouble unless they have a contingency plan.

Comment Re:I have a family member in Air Traffic Control (Score 3, Insightful) 118

How in the hell is there a thread where there is amusement on the event?

Pilots died flying Amazon cargo for the convenience WE expect as a service. These are people that have families, so let that sink in for a bit. How can anyone discount the fact that people risk their lives to deliver random things we order online.

Comment I have a family member in Air Traffic Control (Score 4, Informative) 118

I asked a family member in Air Traffic Control (ATC) on what happens from an ATC perspective when this type of thing happens. It just happens that my family member knew the protocols and could share what is available publicly since they were working at the time of the accident.

They were under the Houston Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON). This facility handles aircraft after departure usually up to 17,000 feet and arrivals descending from 17,000 feet. On the ATC tapes, you can hear them call “Giant 3591” several times but no response. Then they ask a United flight if he was picking up an ELT (Emergency Locator Transmitter). After a crash, the aircraft automatically sends a signal on a dedicated frequency so that it can be found. Additionally, we would call any nearby aircraft/helicopter to report coordinates and what they see to initiate response teams.


Comment The Truth About the Mysterious ‘Tesla Tower& (Score 5, Informative) 365

We may find out soon enough since Viziv Technologies has built a Wardenclyffe Tower in Texas and is actively working on the project.


The Truth About the Mysterious ‘Tesla Tower’ in Texas

Viziv Technologies, the party responsible for the construction of the tower in Milford, has similar goals. If their experiments with the tower are successful, this would mean they can safely and wirelessly transmit energy between any two points on the globe. Their aim is to utilize the Zenneck surface wave, an electromagnetic wave that uses the surface of the earth as a guide, enabling it to carry signals and electricity over long distances. (Electromagnetic waves are results of vibrations between electric fields and magnetic fields.)

The Zenneck surface wave is named after Jonathan Zenneck, a physicist and electrical engineer. He was among the pioneers that studied electromagnetic waves. Zenneck surface waves have not yet been experimentally observed, and Viziv is unique in that its technology only uses these surface waves, as opposed radiated waves.


Comment Hypersonic drone launch from international waters? (Score 0) 266

Tinfoil hat?

It was an Israeli operator SpaceCom satellite for Facebook. I would love to see the specs on that satellite to see if it was not multi-purpose?

It looks like an unmanned drone flying at supersonic speeds directly into the rocket. Doesn't need to be a missile, but needs to be small enough to not be picked up by radar. I have not seen any of the radar data released, so that would be something I would look into if I was Musk. A small drone with a small explosive payload going kamikaze?

Since it was at Cape Canaveral, Florida it would not be a stretch to think something in international waters would have difficulty launching an unmanned drone....


Comment Re:Nope (Score 1) 341

Provided the iPhone is San Bernardino's county property, the privacy issue is nullified. Apple should stop playing the wrong game here and give the FBI what it asks for in this particular case, given everyone knows Apple's security is an illusion anyway. To crack a 4 digit password by brute force attack you simply need to have the delay between attempts set to 0 and the code wiping the data on the iPhone being neutralized. Which is a two lines of code modification in the firmware. No magic here. WIth a 4 digit password using potentially 75 different characters (upper/lower case + number + special characters) you have to try 30 million combinations at most. Something that can be easily done without any specialized hardware or on-steroids computer.

The security is just something you get because someone cannot try 30 million combinations in minutes on your iPhone because he has to wait a few seconds between each trial and is limited in the number of trials before cracking the iPhone becomes useless due to data deletion.

They already likely have the meta data and all history of calls/tests to/from that number. Isn't that enough?

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