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Comment Won't someone think of the children? (Score 0) 191

"...While the letter acknowledges that Facebook, which owns Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram, captures 99% of child exploitation and terrorism-related content through its own systems..."

Good think Epstein is gone and we no longer have rampant pedophilia still happening at the top levels of government.

Comment role of government (Score -1) 182

How is it the role of government to ensure high broadband internet?

I work remotely and rurally in ops. Until recently my internet was $85/mo for about 500kbps. I realized there are added expenses to living rurally. We recently got $65/mo for 12mbps from a private company. There are several competing private companies now offering faster and cheaper service with line of sight towers. We won't get gigabit for the foreseeable future, but I don't want to steal from others so I can have government mandated broadband.

Comment Rural internet (Score 0) 157

I live in Podunk KS. We now have decent terrestrial microwave fixed wireless technology. It is generally in the range of 12mbps for $65-ish with no caps, which is enough for a few Netflix streams and the latency is low for command line work. The commute is rough going from my bedroom to my office. We also have unlimited Verizon that works well in rural areas. The options have definitely gotten faster and cheaper since competing companies and technologies have entered the area. I guess that is the trade off for living in the middle of no where with no traffic and peace and quiet.

Comment opt-in (Score 0) 107

All of these notifications should be opt-in. If I want an alert, make an easy way for me to opt-in. There should also be a way to easily change how you are alerted with settings for sane hours and overrides. No one wants a loud alert after working all night or if they have non-standard awake hours or if they are at a place they need to be quiet.

As a person oncall all the time for multiple companies and having children, I do not want anything additional audibly alerting me.

Comment Make it voluntary (Score 0) 130

If this is really about protecting consumers from theft, then make it voluntary. Those concerned with theft would be able choose a locked phone. Those who value having an unlocked phone over security could then choose to have their phone unlocked. They would then also be able to see which option consumers prefer.

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