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Comment Re:states? (Score 1) 392

tbh, whether or not the use of the word "state" in the summary is accurate, there would not have been a single objection if it had been replaced by "country".
A lot of us europeans are very conscious about the differences between the EU and the USA. Whether techincally correct or not, we don't trust the average american to understand the difference when they decide to refer to our contries as states.

Comment Re:Conclusion (Score 1) 185

Chance to win the lottery if you play: Extremely small.
Chance to win the lottery if you don't play: Nill.

My math tells me that purchasing lottery tickets does not affect my financial situation in any significant way, but winning the grand prize would.

It's a win/loss situation with the odds of winning being roughly as small as the consequence of losing.

Comment Re:Take that... (Score 1) 257

those who "aren't hard-core Darwinists" (a euphemism for "intelligent design", I take it?) by necessity have to reject science as a methodology in order to maintain their beliefs

Just plain wrong.
Intelligent design does not rule out evolution. It just suggests something more than mere chance affecting mutations between generations.
There's no established science that needs to be rejected to maintain this as a belief.

Comment Re:Oh, I see (Score 1) 344

If you think that it qualifies to make the audience of the joke the victim, that's more or less in direct agreement with TFS: "the emotion of mirth, is the brain's reward for discovering its mistaken inferences".

As for a counter-example - the interpretation of the fish joke where they're in a fish tank.
I'm gonna guess you're american, in which case TFA explains why you think victim-type jokes is the only sort of jokes.

Comment Re:Minecraft is proof... (Score 4, Insightful) 272

Noone who matters was ever in doubt that gameplay matters. But if you, as a developer, want to get paid at some point before actually having an early beta available for people to pre-order, you're gonna have to work for someone who already has the money. And if you're working for someone, expect to be asked to do as they say. And if you're the person with the money, hiring a lot of professional developers, you're either *REALLY* confident that your groundbreaking new idea is gonna sell, or you're gonna take the beaten path, and just hope you can beat the established players at their game.

You can't have a bunch of developers join forces, unless they agree which game to make. And if they don't agree, they'd might as well make "someone else's game" for a large company able to pay a decent salary.

In short - billion-dollar developer studios are not big risk-takers. Don't expect this to change, and don't try to make it sound like the government needs to save the oppresed developers from the horror that is established game studios.

Comment Skip it (Score 1) 211

The purpose of beta testing SHOULD be to find bugs. However, since EA apparently think THEY'RE the ones doing YOU a favor by ALLOWING you to FIND BUGS for them, give them the finger.

The fun part about an MMO (for those inclined to play MMO's) is developing your character, which is a complete waste of time when your virtual character has only 3 days to live.

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