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Comment 3D movies are Myth. (Score 1) 208

If you don't have normal depth perception then you can't see any depth in a 3D movie. I get 90% of my vision from one eye and only 10% from the other giving me a very limited sense of depth of field. The only thing I get from a 3D movie is a severe head ache. On the other hand, all movies look pretty much like the real world to me.

Comment I'm retired. (Score 1) 140

I don't have to answer e-mail or the phone any more. If it's urgent enough the folks I used to work for will send someone over to the house with a boat load of money. I'll deposit the money, take the boat out on the lake with a laptop and a fishing pole, and log-in remotely. But I'm not going to answer any more e-mails.

Comment I'm retired. (Score 4, Funny) 369

My current job is to sit at home and collect social security. I certainly hope we never reach the point where robots get to retire and draw a pension after 30 years of service. I suppose we could reprogram them to pilot a bass boat and learn to fish but what would be the point? If you're going to have to pay them benefits you might as well hire people.

Comment All Energy in our Universe is Nuclear. (Score 2) 232

This Universe only has one basic source of power and it is Nuclear. Stars fuse lightweight elements into slightly heavier elements and supernovas fuse those atoms into all the rest of the naturally occurring elements of the periodic chart. The heavier elements clump together (gravity) and create gradients which give rise to potential energy from gravity, but it was the mass generated by stars that allow that. Gravitational stress heats the mantel of the Earth and allows us to harvest some geothermal power. Other geothermal power is directly harvested from the temperature difference between the Earth's Sun warmed surface and the constant temperature layer of soil several meters down. Solar,wind, and hydro power are indirect methods of harvesting the fusion power of the Sun. Burning coal, oil, gas, alcohol, or other biomass is simply using the Sun's power that was harvested by plants and stored as hydrocarbons. And then there are our feeble attempts at nuclear power using fission.

As we ween ourselves from carbon based fuels we need to keep in mind that none of the so called 'renewable' sources of energy actually are renewable: they all depend on the continuous output of that nuclear furnace we call the Sun.

Comment Ownership should come by Homesteading. (Score 1) 239

You, the prospective owner, have to physically go there; occupy the asteroid; make improvements (build housing, plant crops, produce O2, . . .); and mingle your labor and brainpower with the local resources to produce enough wealth to support yourself and anyone else you take with you. After x number of years you get clear title to the rock(s) that you've occupied.

Comment Re:I don't mind driving (Score 1) 307

I was thinking more like an air ferry. I ride in the pressurized cabin and the car travels as semi-intelligent luggage that can find me when we land instead of me having to stand around in the baggage claim area and then going to a car rental lot. Make both the plane and the car light weight and fuel efficient enough and it's not unreasonable.

Comment I don't mind driving (Score 2) 307

but it would really be nice if I could get out of the car at the Mall entrance and let the car go find a parking place on its own. Then, when I'm ready to leave, have it meet me at the closest exit.

I'd be really impressed if I could get out of the car at one airport, leave the luggage in the trunk, and have the car meet me wherever I landed.

Comment 1986-87 Sun WorkStations. (Score 1) 204

The VAR for which I was the Tech Support Department became a reseller for SUN, NOVEL, and AutoCAD during one busy six month growth spurt. Most of my training consisted of "here's the manual, read it and explain it to us tomorrow". When they handed me the document crate [ about 10,000 pages ] for UNIX and the Sun system I suggested that a bit of formal training might be in order. I got a 4 day System Admin class from SUN that included an afternoon on the X-window system.

By 1988 we were networking PCs and Sparcstations using PCNFS and running X11 clients on the PCs using Hummingbird software. That allowed us to move the workstation out of the engineers office and into the server room where no one person could horde the physical machine by virtue of it being located on his/her desktop. It was a giant step backward for personal computing but a leap forward in productivity since the grunts didn't have to wait for the boss to leave for lunch in order to get into his office to use the decent computer.

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