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Comment Re:Who CARES about SLI? (Score 1) 186

And why should anyone really, when modern day consoles cost about the same amount as one would spend on a moderately high end processor + video card, why the hell would most people want to spend an extra 300 bucks or so to have an extra video card at only 25% or less extra benefit in framerate?

Because they're unreliable, tend to overheat, and have expensive games that run at low framerates.

If you build your own PC you can make it out of highly-rated (by other purchasers of course, don't trust "consumer reporting" agencies) parts and carefully cool it so it works nicely. Building it from scratch this way will be more expensive than getting a console, but if you're just upgrading it like you are saying in your post, it won't be.

Comment Difficulty levels are better (Score 1) 275

I see many people arguing that cheats allow casual players to have fun playing a game. I disagree; having difficulty levels is better. Cheats simply let you skip the content altogether, while difficulty levels will allow you to lower the difficulty just enough to enjoy it. 4 is a good number - 1 for the complete novices, 1 for the casual players, 1 for the hardcore players, and 1 extremely hard difficulty just for fun (think Nightmare mode in Doom 2).

Comment Re:Sometimes you really need to be an artist (Score 1) 47

And any artist who actually contributes nicely to a good mod will be able to jumpstart a career in that field using their mod as part of their "portfolio." If they can't find a job with what they made, then they probably weren't that good to begin with. So a lot of people who achieve any real success in the mod community, will probably end up dropping out of it because they are so skilled.

For an average Joe, getting good at any part of modding takes hard work and isn't immediately rewarding. Most people play games to have fun and be immediately "rewarded" and positively reinforced. Modding doesn't provide that unless you're either already good at it or enjoy producing utter crap - and given that most people aren't already good, we see lots of crap.

Comment Re:I hope not (Score 1) 47

Community ratings with a blacklist system, to keep Penisworld out of G-rated games no matter how many trolls think it would be cool to get it in there, would take care of this quite nicely. You won't see much crap float up to the top with a good ratings system. People could still browse the bad mods, but they could also choose not to have to sift through them to get to the good ones.

The main challenge (after advertising of course) is to make it easy for the musicians, level designers, texturers, modelers, etc to express themselves, to spark initial interest in them doing so. With models, you can just have them submit the models in any popular format, allowing modelers using different software packages to contribute content. But with levels, a good map editor is important to get skilled mappers with free time interested and productive. Of course, this is an investment in its own, so overinvesting in this could defeat the purpose of crowdsourcing.

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