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Comment Selection Bias (Score 2) 242

There's a bit of a selection bias in the interpretation. Saying things like "44% said they wanted to work from the office daily. Employees? 17%" does not necessarily imply that there's a boss/employee disconnect, it could just as easily mean that those who are more interested in an office environment have self-selected themselves into management. A different title for this story could easily be "People who enjoy office work more likely to be promoted".

Comment Neat Idea, but... (Score 3, Interesting) 60

The approach makes some sense when the only client you're shipping to can render HTML. I've found that this is rarely the case.

JSON and YAML based REST API's (i.e. the API-First approach) are successful because the data is not tightly coupled to the presentation, and can be converted easily to whatever runtime is consuming it. The end result is that you don't have to provide different server-side code paths for a CLI, Mobile, Web, or embedded client, and can treat all of them as a "client". To offer up a real modern product surface with both a web experience and other integrations, this approach is a step back to the mid-2000's. Think "Let's build a JSP/Spring hybrid app that renders both JSON and HTML". The add-on feature of "you only ship the delta of the HTML" is just an implementation detail.

Even if you add an intermediary server layer that sits between the JSON api and the browser (i.e. the Backend-only-for-frontend antipattern), all you've done is add more code that you have to maintain. Personally, I like less of that.

Comment Is the alternative ethical? (Score 1) 346

What happens if someone relocates from San Francisco to Bangalore? The average software engineer salary there is (payscale) ~600K Rupee, so $8K/year. Moving someone with a $200K+ salary into that economy with no adjustments would be minting a brand new upper class. We know that rich people tend to sit on their money, choosing instead to have it accumulate, so there's an upper bound to the economic benefit of doing this; Is it ethical for Silicon valley to create a high-powered upper class, which they have their hooks in? Seems like colonialism all over to me.

I'm not saying that salary adjustments are ok; I'm saying that the alternative may not be better.

Comment As things get bigger, they get harder. (Score 2) 190

Desktop applications only have to worry about one user, Websites have to worry about all of them. As a result, in the early life of a website (with few users), it's relatively easy to have engineering focus on features, as most available web tech these days can handle that. As your user base grows, however, you start running into scale issues where features you've previously built don't hold up so well. Suddenly, you're putting a good chunk of your engineering effort into updating your existing features for the new # of users required. At the same time, the effort of adding a new feature becomes harder, because you can't just create a new one like before - you have to engineer it to perform at the scale of your current (and future) system, with all the yak-shaving of technical debt which may be involved.

In short: As things get bigger, they get harder.

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