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Comment Re:Lesson from this story...don't be a glass hole! (Score 4, Insightful) 1034

In other countries some functionary will come up to you and say "put that away please".
Then they would politely ask you to leave, and then sternly ask you to leave. Then a security guard would forcibly haul you off the property.

Only in the US is are you getting law enforcement jumping to the opportunity to bust a guy a with a recording device in a movie theater. I bet they had the black helicopters and swat teams ready too.

Comment Re:nothing of any us to us on moon (Score 1) 365

Who cares about the fucking moon, it's a huge fucking desolate wasteland. Save for boots on the ground there no one is going to claim all of it. By the time someone starts an industrial plant up there you'll have all other aspiring world power nations shitting their pants and pouring billions into competing projects so you'll be lucky if you claim a crater or two for yourself.

In the end it will be economical trade anyway. Someone will be sitting on surplus steel and someone will not bother to send a fucking smelting plant for 25 billion to the moon.

Comment Re:Taxing is not going to fix the problem (Score 1) 470

And by your logic we should keep chasing those feel-good zero-impact idiot ideas that makes things slightly inconventient for us so that we feel we're doing something, while totally ignoring the big issues.

"It's okay that there's polluting factories in china because plastic bags and incandescent lights are banned in Europe!"

Comment Re:Need more information (Score 1) 497

Make an automatic answering machine that gives the impression of listening. If no one is talking on the other end It should randomly pick a very diffuse question like "i'm confused about this whole deal?" and "i'm still not sure what you want" and "are you really sure you have the right person" and so on.

After picking 10 random of these it says "bye" and hangs up.

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