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Mozilla Rolls Out Firefox 3.6 RC, Nears Final 145

CWmike writes "Mozilla has shipped a release candidate build of Firefox 3.6 that, barring problems, will become the final, finished version of the upgrade. Firefox 3.6 RC1, which followed a run of betas that started in early November, features nearly 100 bug fixes from the fifth beta that Mozilla issued Dec. 17. The fixes resolved numerous crash bugs, including one that brought down the browser when it was steered to Yahoo's front page. Another fix removed a small amount of code owned by Microsoft from Firefox. The code was pointed out by a Mozilla contributor, and after digging, another developer found the original Microsoft license agreement. 'Amusingly enough, it's actually really permissive. Really the only part that's problematic is the agreement to "include the copyright notice ... on your product label and as a part of the sign-on message for your software product,"' wrote Kyle Huey on Mozilla's Bugzilla. Even so, others working on the bug said the code needed to be replaced with Mozilla's own."

Comment Not to be insulting (Score 1) 922

But to say every story is a rehash of another story is just silly. Here are some examples of original stories:

Blood Music - Greg Bear
A Fire Upon the Deep - Verner Vinge
Singularity - Charles Stross
Dragon's Egg - Robert Forward
Candle - John Barnes
Spin - Robert Wilson

And many more. To compare them to cowboys and smurfs in space is insulting.

Comment Re:Lords of Light (Score 1) 922

It also makes sense if you have intrest in and knowledge of religions. A better mash-up of hinduism, buddhism, and christianity has not been done, and it's facinating from that standpoint.

Though I'm biased, I want to see the amber series released as a five part movie (I can pass on the second 5 novels, I liked them but they drifted).

Comment Where is the game in FPS? (Score 1) 113

Ok, I hope not to be modded troll for this, but probably will be.

I have played a lot of FP shooters. The innovation from one generation to the next in terms of graphics and stability has been wonderful, brilliant, and lacking in magic.

What is missing, and what could make the next big FPS is gameplay. Anyone who wants to do it right needs to sit down, play with 3-5 friends some Renier Knizia board games
as an education is what gameplay could be, compared to what it is. Don't call me a crank if you have not played Modern Art, Tigris and Euphrates, and Through the Desert.

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