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Comment Re:Peter jackson... (Score 3, Informative) 222

It wasn't what was cut so much as what was changed:

Merri and Pippin weren't bumbling fools who accidentally kinna tagged along, they were dear friends who wanted to help and wouldn't let Frodo go without them.
There were no elves at Helm's Deep.
Faramir was a better man than his brother and didn't try to take Frodo or the ring back to Minas Tirith.
Shelob was a fabulous ending to the Two Towers but lost drama in the middle of RotK.
Aragon wasn't hiding from his heritage, he carried the broken blade with him as a reminder of his destiny (although he was cynical about it).
Arwen wasn't a bad-ass who could out-class the wraiths, Glorfindal was the bad-ass warrior who afforded the hobbits some protection so they could get to Rivendell.

Just a few examples off the top of my head, the main thing was how many character that were fundamentally "wrong" when compared to the books.

Comment Re:Educated, not crazy and not afraid. (Score 4, Insightful) 725

more like a noisy and obnoxious minority of a community.

...All christians are assholes who try to make everyone conform to they're way of life.
...All muslims are terrorists.
...All jews are stingy.
...All mexicans are illegal immigrants.
...All blacks are in gangs.
...All canadians are nice.
...All slashdot users are nerds who can't find girlfriends.

anytime you try to associate a trait with a group you're probably oversimplifying the truth.

Comment Re:Yup - this is the reason for everyone hating US (Score 1) 170

So again, I for one, am happy that new laws in the US will help the world be safter.

I assume the is sarcasm, right? Obviously the new laws will continue protect special interests (not US in general, but specific lobbies) , generally maintain the status quo and not affect any real change.

(although to be fair, protecting lobby groups does often have a "rising tides" effect)

Comment Re:New form of taxes! (Score 1) 411

Of course the requirement to have a lawyer in even the most basic of cases is another fundamental failure of the legal system.

but since both the law makers (congress) and reviewers (judges), are mostly all ex-lawyers, it shouldn't be too surprising that run a system the requires that you purchase their services to use.

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