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Comment DC? Screw that. (Score 1) 466

There's no way I'd want 120V DC in my house. With AC you just get thrown, with DC your muscles contract and you become attached to the hazard.

I'm not saying that people have bare wires hanging around the house, and neither do I, but crap happens.

If you get shocked with DC and it's because you grabbed something that's energized, you are dead, kaput. With AC you have a fighting chance. I used to be an electric motor mechanic. DC scares the crap out of me. AC scares me too, especially 270/460 but HVDC? jesus... I've been hit by 120VAC. You don't walk away from HVDC. I'd be dead if that had been DC.

Comment Re:A nice approach perhaps... (Score 1) 377

Ask CCP (icelandic game developer). They put Eve's entire database on RAMSAN and it's a massive db with a lot of performance demands. There's actually a case study published about it.

There are various whitepapers about the performance increase of using ramdisk. Most dbs improve by going around 74% faster with no other optimization.

RAMSAN is not volatile so if you lose power, it doesn't lose data, which makes flushing every transaction to disk unnecessary. The RAMSAN _is_ the disk.

Comment Re:Does this apply to all cases? (Score 1) 268

" And there have been many cases where the vehicle's owner was later arrested for not paying a fine they didn't know about because they had loaned their vehicle out to someone else."

And the three notices they were mailed PROVE they didn't know about the ticket. While it may be possible to beat the original ticket, the bench warrant will be a tough nut to crack.

If anything, there will be laws drafted that require a license for an internet connection. The license will require you pass a test that proves you are capable of securing your network. THAT's where this is going. The IP lobby will see this "someone else used my ip!" thing as a simple problem and simply push for laws that require you to be licensed to have a connection.

You need a license for a car right?

So these morons letting people use their connections like this and use this defense are eventually going to fuck up the program for the rest of us.

Comment Re:Does this apply to all cases? (Score 1) 268

That's right. If you have a drive full of child porn, your goose is cooked, doesn't matter if the IP alone isn't enough.

Ditto for copyrighted material. If the authorities have your IP as one that's distributing content illegally, they seize your equipment and find the copyrighted material, you are in for some hefty fines...

Extrapolate that to any other illegal activity.

Comment Re:The Canadian Government is working on it... (Score 1) 333

I thought Canada had an opt-in rule. I used to work for a major bank and we weren't allowed to send email to Canadians until they opted in. In the US you can send spam until they opt-out. I have no idea whether or not the rules are enforced or violators get fined up there, but that's the law as it was explained to me by the legal department at the bank when the opt-in law in Canada was passed.

Comment Re:Gee, there's an unbiased source... (Score 1) 800

mmm not really. Apple owns Siri, Siri is in the iPhone and staying there, he's already in. He's made his money. He'll be gone within 2 years from Apple, either starting a new company or laying on a beach somewhere enjoying the fruit of his programmers' labors. That's what happens when your company gets bought by a major player. You have an agreement like you have to stay for 2 years and get your company transitioned, then you are free to go.

Siri won't gain Apple any new iPhone customers, however it may keep people entertained. Siri is really a footnote in iPhone capability.

This guy's just still in sell mode from selling his company to apple. He'll calm down in a year.

Comment Re:Android already has this. (Score 1) 800

...not only that, in my car, where something like this is actually useful, I have SYNC. I hit a button on my steering wheel and say "Call [any name] on cell" and it Just Works(tm), including names as complex as "Parent's house of Viza". It also understands "dial". SYNC doesn't exactly get the pronunciation right when repeating it back, but it knows who I mean. I can also say "call mom at home" or whatever I want. As long as I have the proper location->number relationships in my phone it works perfectly.

Phone dials out, goes to speaker on car wide system and I'm having a conversation without breaking any of my state's distracted driving laws. In fact my phone is still in my pocket, where it was when I got in the car, hasn't been taken out of my pocket, no cables, no headphones. So in a weird way, I've had (all of the currently useful) Siri functionality for the last 3 years on my iPhone when in my car.

I'm not sure why I'd ever use voice activation in any other place. And SYNC works with any blue tooth capable SYNC supported phone. You don't need an iPhone for this.

Comment Re:Not a good public rep (Score 2) 311

Assange's organization didn't embarrass the us military, diplomats and government. Traitors, snitches and moles did. They are the ones who should be demonized and bastardized, not to mention strung up and flayed.

Assange is no more guilty of "causing" these problems than the newspaper reporter that printed what Scooter Libby told him about Valerie Plame.

The government didn't go after the reporter, they went after Scooter Libby. He's the one that leaked the information and is ultimately the criminal who is responsible.

Assange is not even the messenger, he's the paper the message is printed on. If he didn't do this, those assholes would simply post it on the internet some other way. Assange simply provided a server for them to post it.

Comment Re:Both parties hate you and the Bill of Rights (Score 1) 624

So instead of enforcing laws that already exist, we change the constitution and remove the rights of law abiding people?

Fuck that.

All of the senators' concerns are already addressed.

It's illegal to slander
It's illegal to threaten

You don't need to take away free speech to solve these problems. You just need to arrest the criminals.

Comment Re:God damn Republicans (Score 1) 624

Free speech was created to _allow_ people to undermine the government, especially when it exceeds it's mandate and is corrupt. It allows us to spread the word that these people need to be voted out of office.

Much in the same way that the 2nd amendment was created to allow us to protect ourselves from the tyranny of government. If the entire citizenry is armed and allowed to mass communicate it's impossible for a dictatorship or other non-republic government to come into power and flourish. The first steps in any totalitarian regime is to disarm the citizenry and shut them up. That's why the first two items in the bill of rights are the right to bear arms and the right to free speech. Without these rights, the rest of them mean nothing because the government is free to take them without the possibility of recourse.

Liberals want both of these rights removed, presumably to keep us from hurting each other. I think the real reasons are much darker since people will find a way to hurt each other no matter what.

Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 1) 624

Yes but in a crowded theater, you can get trampled to death by people running over you and stepping on your head. That type of speech can get people killed. There's also an expectation of being able to enjoy a movie you paid for. Someone yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater is violating the rules put forth by the theater. In fact, talking about anything is. It's private property, so the theater owner makes up the rules about when you can talk.

You can turn your computer off. There's no threat to life, limb and happiness when someone bans you from a forum. You choose to post on the internet. Anything can and will happen. If you don't like it, don't participate in forums. A direct threat, yes that's against the law. However we don't need to restrict free speech to criminalize a threat. It's already illegal to threaten other people no matter how it's done.

As well law should define "child" and stick with one definition. A 20 year old child? Really?

This is another liberal attempt at controlling the masses and creating a nanny state by exceeding the mandate of the constitution. I hope this crashes and burns spectacularly.

Comment Re:Yes, but not the U.S. produced code (Score 2) 319

-On a more practical note, where would you plan to draw a line with this tariff?
Simple, tariff any wages paid to offshore developers doing work for US companies. These are already documented by export compliance procedure. Make the corporations pay a 700% tax on foreign wages they pay out. Then all of a sudden US workers start to look attractive again. Prevent the companies from moving out by charging them a 700% tax on goods and services they sell to US citizens.

- If producing code cheaply outside the US is to be restricted (but please do remember that outsourcing is also done for reasons of expertise), how would you apply this tariff to work done for free?
Since no price is paid for FOSS software, it's not subject to tariff. A 700%(or whatever) tariff applied to free is still free.

- Would you *really* want to be the only economy in the world where you HAD to actually pay for using linux?
see above.

-An economy where using MS access becomes cheaper than using SQL?
Last i checked SQL server, PostGreSQL, Oracle, MySQL, Ingres and DB2 are open source or produced by US companies. If you up the cost of offshoring via tariff to match what US developers make, then the products are priced at what they are worth, and not artificially deflated. More developers are employed, leading to more money spent in economy and putting further downward pressure on foreign developer salaries.

You can pretty much apply this to all industries that have been decimated by offshoring (manufacturing, engineering, customer service, etc etc etc)

Of course we'll never need to worry about this because the people running the country are bought and paid for by corporations. Our government won't realize the shortsightedness of their policy until it's too late. On the flip side, ever try to import anything to, say, India, Asia or Europe? Vat tax for the win. I don't understand why Europeans and Asians think it's ok for them to tariff the shit out of US goods but it's not ok for the US to do the same. Oh that's right, there are no US goods because just about everything has been outsourced. I'll save you the trouble. China imports to the US duty free except LCD TVs. We tariff those 5%. China tariffs US goods at 40%. It's not hard to figure out why all the manufacturing jobs are in China. Combined with the terrible standard of living (and correspondingly terrible wages) there's no way the US can compete.

It's a simple fact that unchecked globalization eventually equalizes economies on the world stage. Standard of living in places like Europe and the US will drop to match our third world trading partners, whose SoL will rise to meet the drop. The current near-depression level unemployment in the US is the canary in the coal mine so to speak. By the time it's over, people in the US will be begging to make the salaries that people make in third world countries. Good bye cars.

Unchecked globalization, long term, for the US and other countries with a similar standard of living, is essentially  putting a gun to the temple of middle class prosperity (everyone's long term) for the benefit of third world countries and big corporations (short term anyway, long term it will be a disaster). It's great for the wealthy, corporations and countries with cheap labor, for now, but it's decimating the middle class, whose jobs are rapidly evaporating. As well there's a dismal outlook for workers in these countries. The middle class consumer is what keeps everyone's economy afloat. Make them disappear, and your economy goes with it. This is largely responsible for the mortgage crisis. People's jobs get outsourced, unemployment rises, and people can no longer pay their mortgages.

You can use the tired old "well go back to school and retool your career to do something else" argument, but that takes time. In the mean time the poor bastard that got laid off is living in his car. It's hard to focus on retooling your career if you are fighting day to day to get something to eat and dodging repo men trying to take your car. That's the reality.

The US is .9% away from depression level unemployment. When it's > 10% the us companies paying your salary go out of business since all of their customers are either unemployed or can't afford their services (since they now work as security guards, walmart greeters or flipping burgers). Then everyone loses.

Globalization isn't good for everyone. The US is sinking into a depression because of it. It's time for the US to look out for the US for once.

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