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Comment the beginning of the end? (Score 1) 241

Targeting a mall for a mass shooting or bombing would cause a big reaction, but if a video surfaces of soccer mom kidnapped and beheaded inside the United States all hell will break loose. 9/11, bombings, mass shootings...those are all terrible but they're a little more abstract psychologically because they affect a group of random people. The idea that a van could pull up next to you while walking the dog on the other hand is something that you might find difficult to stop thinking about. They've tried this in other countries (Australia, I think?), so unless there's some radical shift in sentiment (or existence) among terrorist groups it's only a matter of time.

Comment Re:armchair evolutionary biologist (Score 1) 532

No it means that you believed, what media and government was showing to you. When they talked about "enemys ower seas", "bloodi muslims etc", you believed them, becouse you can not believe, that the culprit was your own government.

You should be angry, becouse you do not have critical thinking.

You're right. I should have immediately driven up to New York and starting digging through the rubble looking for evidence with my CSI Miami forensic kit. Or perhaps watched the conspiracy videos on YouTube; those are fine examples of critical thinking. I'm sure your critical thinking skills are so finely honed you quickly figured out exactly what happened and why, perhaps in part due to the aluminum shielding your brain from the media/illuminati's mind control waves. In any case, you're missing my point, which was to provide an example of how aggression/anger/rage alters one's reasoning. PSA: Keep posting as Anonymous Coward, as they have eyes on you.

Comment Re:armchair evolutionary biologist (Score 1) 532

Stephen Hawking needs to stick to cosmology...he doesn't know *shit* about computing and human behavior.

"aggression" is such a ridiculously ill-defined term, it means virtually nothing scientifically

Without writing a book about it, simply defining aggression as "How easily a person get pissed off" is an easily-understood and practical definition. Some examples of the fruit of high aggression we could do without would include spousal abuse, road rage and war-mongering/retaliation. A specific example of that last one would be how I felt after 9/11 (which I no longer feel), which was basically, "Oh you fucked up now. We're going to bomb the shit out of every last one of you. Die, motherfuckers, etc." There's a significant and dangerous disconnect between how a calm person and an enraged person reasons and acts.

Comment fast lane for AT&T (Score 1) 112

It wouldn't surprise me if when detecting bittorrent traffic AT&T disallowed connecting to any peers or seeds with an AT&T IP address. The downloader would still max out their up/downstream bandwidth, but it would be a single-edged sword as all their connected peers and seeds would be non-AT&T customers. AT&T would then have more available bandwidth (at the expense of the other ISPs) and could argue they were enhancing their customers' experience. A brilliant plan until other ISPs find out and do the same. Perhaps then AT&T could start their own VPN service marketed to their own customers under a different brand, touting unrestricted bittorrent connectivity as a selling point.

Comment Re:A good strategy (Score 4, Insightful) 85

This is a strategy for demonstrating the absurdity of the current patent regime, right?

Unintentionally, no doubt. On the bright side the more absurdly and widely abused the system is the more ammunition for reforming it. I hope they cause a real mess spamming the USPTO with every possible patentable combination of words. Maybe they'll replace the USPTO staff with an infinite number of monkeys with typewriters to process them.

Comment Re:Irrelevant posts about driving ability. (Score 1) 328

Judgement is also a driving skill and probably the most important one. Knowing the rules is irrelevant if your poor judgement causes you to ignore them. Alcohol only impairs judgement if you let it (up to a point, obviously). It's not as if you're possessed by a demon and literally no longer have control over your thoughts and actions. If you remain mindful that you're intoxicated the impulse to do something potentially unwise is immediately followed by the question "Is this wise" and you can decide to crush the impulse and not perform the action. The problem, other than people who just can't drive worth a damn in any case, is people who have too many drinks and remain in denial of their altered state. If you have a broken leg you can walk just fine with a crutch and a little care. Most drunk drivers throw away the crutch, pretend their leg is just fine, and sprint with obviously disastrous results.

Comment Re:Interesting, time for some real world tests (Score 2) 328

They did that on Mythbusters, but it was between alcohol intoxication and sleep deprivation. Interestingly they found sleep deprivation to be equally (if not more) debilitating than alcohol intoxication.

I like the idea for your study, but it would be fun if they also had a test requiring the participants to send a text message or repeatedly answer the phone or set up their GPS while driving.

Comment Re:First Post (Score 3, Insightful) 267

Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad

Face it, it explains everything.

This would be a useful equation if it weren't for the fact that the person in question was a fuckwad long before the anonymity or audience came. The idea that a thoughtful, virtuous person somehow becomes a troll because of anonymity and an audience is bullshit. The only thing anonymity does is melt away the facade of civility a fuckwad has carefully crafted for themselves.

Comment Re:There is more to SciFi than Star Trek:TOS (Score 1) 165

It's the geek's time-honored right to rant and whine that Big Media produces nothing but remakes and sequels. But when given the chance to show what he can do, it always Star Trek: Back To The Future.

It is ironic, though it may be because the Big Media remakes and sequels are often so shitty that we geeks spend the remainder of our lives trying desperately to scrub their memories from our minds. For example, if Alien 3 and 4 had been as good as the first two I would be cool with a new one every few years until the end of time. Another issue is that people tend to think sequels and remakes come at the cost of the exclusion of new/original works. As if making Star Wars XIV somehow prevents someone else from making a Heinlein film.

Comment Re:Rights (Score 1) 165

How did they secure the rights to make these episodes? You'd think that would be the most expensive and most restrictive part.

They didn't. CBS or Paramount or whoever generally turns a blind eye to projects like these as long as they don't make any money. Other than the recent films (which arguably are only Star Trek in name), the franchise is dead. It's possible even that they're keeping an eye on how the public receives it in consideration of creating a new official television series. I think if there is to be a new series they should put it on HBO and go for broke. Good actors, good writers, the occasional full-frontal and beheading/gibbing will make for some unforgettable Trek, if nothing else.

Comment Re:Now they just need intensity from the actors. (Score 1) 165

There simply have been too many advances in the last 40 years. The cheap sets, cheesey special effects and bad acting just aren't tolerable any more.

Either they're still tolerable or you haven't been watching much television lately. There are a lot of good shows, but holy shit, the majority are pretty awful. I think of ToS more as on-screen theater than some gritty, brutally-realistic drama. It's like Shakespeare. You gotta watch it with a certain perspective and malleability in order to enjoy it.

Comment Re:Now they just need intensity from the actors. (Score 1) 165

The problem is that Star Trek isn't a very good science fiction premise.

Premise is largely irrelevant; it's more about the execution with special attention to commanding performances and excellent writing. The problem with Star Trek (and I've seen every episode of every incarnation and all the films) is that it's hit and miss with the acting and writing. I kinda like the premise, as most sci-fi is about "us" versus "them". The concept of exploration, the search for knowledge and the betterment of the human race and the galaxy as one large community is something everyone on this planet could take some lessons from. Star Trek is an allegory about our own struggles here on Earth.

That being said, I'd love to see more quality science fiction on television and film drawn from the works of our greatest authors.

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