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Comment Re:Critical information in the Cloud... (Score 1) 74

Myself personally I use KeePassXC with database stored on my own locally hosted Nextcloud server. Database is protected with long password AND keyfile which is stored outside of KeePassXC directory. That keyfile is never sync'd anywhere and always copied over via SD card to another device.

Encrypted database protection is only good as how the password combined with other method authentication are used. Straight password is not good enough these days.

KeepassXC even supports YubiKeys.

Comment Re:Remote Desktop Dead (Score 1) 131

Thanks for the tip! I haven't released the new updates to our enterprise environment yet due to the BS updates the past few months.

Actually this got broken in win10 with KB4483234 also!!

instead of uninstalling the patches, you can fix it like this:

              Run gpedit.msc

              Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> Credentials Delegation -> Encryption Oracle Remediation
Change it to Enable and in Protection level, change back to Vulnerable.

enjoy! :) (and yes, as a sysadmin, I'm really tired of MS bs patching)

Comment Re:so... (Score 1) 121

That would be true if the computer been infected with malware. However, most people don't pay close attention to details like URLs before continuing so that would be hope by the attackers.

you need to control DNS at the point of end user connection like with ... HOSTFILES :)

Comment Re:Sadly: it's all about the apps (Score 1) 132

I've been using FreeNAS and PfSense for years which are great performing servers with practically zero downtime other than patches and reboots. FreeBSD is geared towards as server platform and rightfully so. To make it into a desktop not so much. I rather they focus less bloat and keeping performance high in FreeBSD than trying to support the desktop apps to muck things up. Leave the desktop to Linux as it's more supported by the community.

Microsoft did the same thing with their Windows Server installs. Just install the "core" without the desktop GUI and it will run longer without reboots and less time to download and install security updates.

Comment Re:Oh Good Lord (Score 1) 125

My uncle's invoice management system was written to run on a SCO server and has been running for 20+ years. Yes on a Pentium II processor! He's not concerned about it because the server is not even connected to the network. All connected via serial WYSE terminals. For giggles I've made a ghost image of the server and got it running as a VM but unfortunately the way the special serial cards are designed it won't work as a VM. The TCP/IP stack can't be installed on the version of the server he has now due to $$$. Eventually he will have to upgrade to something more modern but for now it works.

Comment Lack of insight on how to lock computers down. (Score 1) 180

Most government entities don't have a clue on their network infrastructure let alone on locking the computers down. Too many different standards and different ways of their networks are built. Guess how many system admins come and go over the years without an once of documentation. Router passwords changed and no one seems to know them. Since no one bother to enforce industry standards of best practices this is what got them.

Best they could do in the interim is enforce policy rules on the firewall to disallow porn sites and block unauthorized VPN connections (this can be done via the application level on the firewall). Also keep eye on access logs and fetch keywords. Since neither one of them are used is a sign of lazy admins.

Comment Replacement needed? (Score 1) 141

This piece of marvel been in orbit since the 1990s and amazing it lasted this long. But as with any equipment it will wear out. Without the shuttles it will be hard to perform any kind of major mechanical repairs so they may have to bite the bullet and plan on a replacement soon.

Comment Re:Oh puhlease! (Score 1) 150

Back in the mid-90s the first time I turned on ZoneAlarm I was getting a break-in attempt about once every 5 seconds on my IP address.

Today, in 2018, I see hackers attempting to hack my website multiple times daily.

Give it a break liberals. Hacking isn't new nor is it infrequent.

Yep. I run my own Nextcloud as a private server on a different port. I get e-mails from fail2ban about hack attempts. Mostly from China. Nothing new. Just long as security measures such as securing the admin accounts and alerts are in place you're fine.

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