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Comment Re:Does NOT ban hands-free devices (Score 1) 938

It would surprise me if a ban of hands-free would pass in Congress. However, I know of at least one study on Scientific American Frontiers (PBS show with Alan Alda) concluded that driving while talking on a HANDS-FREE phone was the equivalent of driving after three drinks. (How they calibrate three drinks I don't know, cause the effects of alcohol vary based on weight, metabolism, and chronic use).

Comment Re:Approximate cost (Score 1) 164

I did indeed read TFA, and it was rather ambiguous as to whether the $5k per figure was for the manufacture of the figure itself, or the cost of getting it into space, or both. $4k per figure to manufacture custom figures from a material Lego does not normally deal with (aluminum) is not at all out of line. So perhaps you should take your sarcastic tone elsewhere and read the article carefully. I do agree the publicity is probably a good thing. However, perhaps not so much when a lot of people are questioning the necessity of a space program at all. While we geeks understand the needs, and think this is cool, the guy on the street who lost his job last week may wish those extra dollars went his way.

Comment Approximate cost (Score 0) 164

Assuming each of those figures is about 1 cubic inch of aluminum, and aluminum weighs in at 0.098 lb/in^3, and it costs about $10,000/lb to put something in space... then... 3 * 0.98 * $10000 = $2940 taxpayer dollars to put these things in space. I am all for the space program, but this seems like little more than a waste of money, even if it is cool.

Comment Sounds like Used Textbook Argument (Score 1) 235

It's true... The market will only bear a certain price. Apple made their songs 99cents (to begin with), and broke through most of the barriers to online music sales. People can only afford so much. At some point they may resort to theft to get what they want; the rate at which they do so is also influenced by the ease with which the theft can occur.Much less risky to pirate software then to steal a car, for instance...

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