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Comment Re:asshole (Score 1) 248

But devs follow the users, and users won't use it without software. So you have to spend money to get the users to want your product first, often that means in-house or subsidised developers to kickstart things (think console exclusives)

The problem is that once you HAVE the users you have to fight not to lose them by pissing them off and making your competitors look good or the developers will jump ship.

Comment Re:Arbitray precision (Score 1) 226

Most of the time arbitrary precision is not necessary and it's easier (and faster) to just use a float. There are times when it matters, but for the most part people aren't doing things where it matters.

The submitter should know better about using integer operations for things that require precision though.

Comment Re:Autonomous safety (Score 1) 287

I would assume the AI would apply maximum brakes and that's it. A human (especially an experienced driver) could take more extreme action, like going off the side of the road to avoid a head-on collision.

Seriously? "You assume"

Your whole rant smacks of Dunning-Kruger effect.

What makes you think that you are a better driver than a computer? Do you think you are an above average driver? Did you realise that the majority of drivers think they are above average?

Comment Re:Maybe its a blessing for the consumer (Score 2) 110

I actually just realised that I do have a non-chip card; my American Express. Apparently my particular bank has chosen not to migrate those to chip cards yet, although Amex have done so on their directly issued ones.

Of course since it's "American" Express i'm going to stand by my "it's America's fault" title.

Comment Totally the fault of the USA (Score 4, Informative) 110

It's about time that US banks caught up with the rest of the world and put chips on all their cards, then we can finally get rid of the magstripes.

While chip&pin has it's security flaws it's way better than the 20 year old magnetic stripe system, in Australia and most of Europe the only reason they still put the stripes on cards is because the cards have to work when people travel to the US.
It's been at least a year since I've seen a reader without chip support in Australia and the only time the magstrip is used is when the chip or contactless read fails.

Comment Re:It costs the government NOTHING. (Score 2, Insightful) 174

You happen to be wrong because you are forgetting the multiplier effect. Every dollar the government spends is spent repeatedly before it ends up stopped in a savings account or cash horde somewhere. This is why income/wealth is taxed in the first place, to force it back into circulation.
Taking money and then just spending it immediately IS wealth generating, it is the driver of inflation and all that stuff.

Savings and interest payments have the opposite effect, money that is hoarded is a drag on the economy and does not create wealth.

Comment Re:To quote Einstein (Score 1) 381

Configurable parameters are way cheaper to fix *in the field* than a hardcoded value, even if they are undocumented and require reading the code to find. Set them to the sane default and ignore them until you need to repackaging, testing and deploying an application is EXPENSIVE.
Changing a configuration item in a backup environment and running a few sanity checks is relatively cheap in comparison.

If you aren't using a platform that makes configuration of everything that is not a nailed-to-the-floor constant simple then you should probably look into spending a few hours building yourself a small framework for doing so and reusing it on every project going forwards.
Even if it's just a simple key/value store added to your model and read out of your database at start-up and accessible anywhere in your application.

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