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Comment Ballmer investment portfolio (Score 3, Interesting) 283

$2 billion. For the Clippers.

Bezos wants to suck the entire market into the Amazon central economy.

But let us reason together: the distinguishing qualities of both Ballmer and Cuban are that they were both at the right place at the right time. And both are complete pricks.

Bezos is a menace. But Ballmer strikes me as clown and a lackwit.

Is he planning on making back the $2B from the Clippers? Or did he just need his own shiny like Cuban?

Comment Called my Senators...did you? (Score 3, Interesting) 403

This caused me to login and post for the first time in a long while.

Just spoke to one of Senator Snowe's assistants in the DC office. The assistant was not familiar with HR 2471. I asked that the Senator oppose such legislation. Senator Collins' office in DC only gave me a voicemail...

Called Senator Sanders' office in DC, since Sanders seems to actually understand little things like the Constitution. Sanders' assistant seemed to think that warrantless access was already the norm.

Apparently I woke up in Russia this morning...

Will contact Leahy's office soon. A little less time with Batman movies, Senator Leahy, a little more time guarding the rights of the citizenry.

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 0, Troll) 611

No. Sorry. I can't let this one go.

"Dear Leader" is currently gambling on losing his kidnapped Japanese girls, Playstation and VSOP. Starving, murdering, subjugating and indoctrinating millions to satisfy his own bizarre megalomaniac urges.

On one hand, the President of the United States allowed (...and was limited to allowing...) the qualified private sector engineers and managers to fix the problem that they created.

On the other hand, the President coddles the fascist rightists by keeping Guantanamo open, allowing an idiotic "no-fly" list to continue, and continues to delude himself into thinking that Karzai is the partner for conquering Afghanistan. Teabagger corporatists (do you fall into this group...hmm?) blame the President for inaction on the spill, then scream at the idea of increased regulation and oversight.

The President is flawed. BP, TransOcean, and oh...oh yes...Halliburton are at minimum not properly regulated and most likely corrupt. Kim is an insane tyrant.

You, on the gripping hand, are the beacon of logic and liberty.

Comment Re:Everybody should learn basic survival skills (Score 1) 361

Said the Prophet Heinlein:

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."

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"Take that, you hostile sons-of-bitches!" -- James Coburn, in the finale of _The_President's_Analyst_
