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Comment Premature Celebration (Score 2) 271

The dubious rebel claims have been inflated in the past, it's great they are controlling the infrastructure that exists but it could easily be fleeting. Gaddafi's son Khamis and a group of 10,000 well-trained troops happened to "just disappear" when the rebels got to Tripoli. I have a sneaking suspicion a terrible brand of urban warfare emerges before the internet is anywhere near reliable. Still, the article doesn't mention that the site for Libyan Telecom and Technology posted a congratulations message so - for the time being - it was restored on a national level.

Comment iPhone plug notwithstanding (Score 1) 55

this is another classic example of the further integration of technology into our lives, regardless of the device's brand name. However, I'm ironically reminded of Apple's infamous 1984 ad in the approach that a sense of cult worship exists in the uniformity (I own an iPhone, not a judgement). "We shall prevail."

Comment Crip Wars (Score 1) 119

I don't mean drug violence or even that one South Park episode, but really this is a great conceptual way to represent aspects of the body in ways people clearly understand. The hazards of obesity, smoking, etc. compared to baseline or especially an above-average person seem to me a clearer way to visualize this versus any shock-factor "shriveled prune" organ approach.

Comment Re:Slightly Inaccurate Summary (Score 1) 304

The problem is, which you basically allude to, that defining reasonable suspicion is always on unstable ground.

The drunk driver could have texted an admission something along the lines of "im wasted" to a friend or posted pics of himself drinking from the bar on Facebook an hour prior. Yeah criminals can be stupid but where do you draw the line?

For all the reasons people like smart phones there is rightly or wrongly a way to interpret virtually any infraction as able to benefit from searching.

Comment Re:"Death Panels" (Score 2) 2166

Uh no, let me clarify. This whole equating "the left does bad stuff too!" when actual violence happens from conservatives is a desperate attempt to save face. Trying to equate calling Bush Hitler and actually "targeting" a member of Congress who previously had her office vandalized is misleading, that's all. The worse thing to do is "restrict" that from the government though.

Comment "Death Panels" (Score 4, Insightful) 2166

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords isn't particularly liberal but is one of the 20 in Congress "in Sarah Palin's crosshairs" for her vote on health care reform. I don't know the motives or mental state of the shooter, then again people could have said the same thing during 9/ this instance, look at the target, look at the political climate. Sure, many times it's the most unstable people who take the final step but they obviously pick up on signals from all the vitriol. That particular brand is simply more prevalent on the Right (or at the very least, more "popular" in media). And yes, any knee jerk reaction with gun control ideas would be completely misguided.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 2, Insightful) 650

A moonbat refers to the followers of Reverend Sun Myung Moon, the guy who supported Nixon during Watergate, went to prison for filing false taxes, has presided over mass weddings of his followers and fittingly enough founded the Washington Times. I lean conservative so don't take this as a "smear" but if you don't know the history of this guy you should stop worrying about scary liberals and realize any time people blindly follow people, whether it's Beck or Obama or whoever, they put themselves in a position to be manipulated.

Comment Long Exposure = Headaches (Score 1) 255

I was recently a subject in market research around 3D televisions specifically, we watched 3 2-hour World Cup matches with a small break in between each. By the end, it was just too granted I can't say another pair of glasses could have helped things some but the reason 3D won't catch on like HD is because it only works well in moderation.

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