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Comment Re:Do the kids still chase the newest video card? (Score 1) 75

Just wait until games are being made for the PS4 and xb one. I'm looking forward to the optimizations and the fact that they'll be the same architecture as discrete cards. Hopefully that means game developers will allow their games to scale more since it shouldn't really be much work and they don't need to port them.

Comment You think this is to screw with customers? (Score 2) 256

Do people really think this is to screw with their customers? AMD makes pretty much zero off their adapters. They clearly aren't doing this to protect revenue streams. It's obviously some workaround hack for something, or some end case that wasn't initially considered in the design, or conforming to the dvi spec somehow. I'm really not sure why people think this is malicious. Really? THIS is what's going to make you not buy AMD?

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