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Comment Google doesn't get it (Score 1) 57

Google will miss this opportunity even when they think they are ready, because what made openai's chat attractive is not the correct information and the answers accuracy, it's the fact that it was possible to sway it, trick it into giving answers it's not supposed to, it seemed innocent, it did seem like you're dealing with a human. I could it trick it to insult me, and to tell offensive yo mama jokes. Google on the other hand will make sure it's "Safe", so they'll lock it down and make it as rigid as an IBM power server, and will allow it to probably tell dad jokes that are ok on the modern social filters.

Comment You can create an army overnight (Score 1) 44

So now that you need them, you are asking hackers to surface, after forcing them to live in the shadow all their lives, instead of training them and thinking of ways to use their abilities.
Same as you asking citizens to defend themselves against the invasion after imprisoning anyone who has violent tendencies.

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