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Comment Re:Netizen? (Score 1) 39

Hi, original submitter here. 2 things:

1. I was hesitant to use the word 'netizen' as well; I think it's lame too. However, I went with this decision because currently only the Internet users who have a large presence on the BBSes (the ones you have to telnet into) have raised any audible concerns; I felt "Internet user" doesn't really cut it. If you have an alternative, I'll be happy to hear about it.

2. Unfortunately you're right about the general Taiwanese attitude towards IP. However, that's probably because the recording industry here isn't as ham-fisted as your RIAA, who seems to be suing everybody in sight. That doesn't mean it's never happened before, though; a few years ago a student was sued for uploading MP3 files at my university.

Submission + - Taiwanese IP Office Proposes Block on Overseas Infringing Sites (

thomas8166 writes: The Taiwanese Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) recently proposed draft legislation that would empower it to block foreign websites that it deems infringing. The proposal has been likened to SOPA, and has drawn heavy criticism from website operators such as Wikimedia Taiwan ( The TIPO stresses that it will only target well-known infinging sites, but Taiwanese netizens are concerned that this power can potentially be abused for political purposes.

Comment Visual Basic (the horror) (Score 1) 632

I live in Taiwan and graduated from HS about 3 years ago. We had computer classes in our 1st year. They taught us how to click-and-drag and write a few lines of BASIC (I've forgotten it all since then). On another note, apparently the guy responsible for our school's infrastructure was an MSCE, so we got to learn about Microsoft Access and SQL during the computer club sessions which I attended.

Comment Disappointed with Nemo (for now) (Score 1) 74

Just got Cinnamon 1.6 and Nemo from their PPA. I was slightly upset that Cinnamon now puts window bars in the center of the panel instead of to the left, but one thing that really irked me was Nemo. I originally had Nautilus in charge of managing my desktop, but Nemo came along and replaced it, and in the process changed the text color for desktop items from white to a dull gray. As someone who uses a dark background this is simply unacceptable, and after an hour of grepping through possible config files for Nemo and googling (some folks over at Ubuntu Forums are having similar problems), I finally gave up and purged it (good thing Cinnamon 1.6 doesn't depend on it). In short, Nemo is probably an idea worth exploring, but it's not a complete replacement for Nautilus. Every desktop I've used, Windows included, uses white fonts with black borders. Why didn't the devs think of this first?

Comment This brings back memories... (Score 1) 204

The only type of floppy I remember handling is in 3.5" (I'm still a young'un), but I still remember a kid's science magazine (not published anymore here in Taiwan) teaching us to insert the 5.25" floppies all the way to the bottom, flip the drive bay latches 90 degrees to lock it in place, and boot from A: using MS-DOS. I still have a 5.25" drive cleaner (where the magnetic material is substituted with some kind of textile and packaged in a standard casing) lying around, though I have no actual disks.

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