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Comment Re:Wrong (Score 1) 1268

There are lots of languages that have comparison operators that are different from assignment operators (IS NOT LTE for example). I think most use = for assignment. Using := like Pascal does seems odd to me. Those that do use = for both usually prefer something like "set x=1". So I'd bet "==" came out of a desire to reduce keystrokes.

Comment 10 words that tell it all. (Score 3, Insightful) 578

"until they lost the battle by losing ownership of UNIX" Those are all the words you needed to read. You cannot loose ownership of that which you never did own. SCOs gambit was to gain ownership by bamboozling everyone. You know when one party is blowing smoke in these issues when they refuse to point to the infringing code outside of court. If the quote included is to be believed, they lost on appeal and now that they have filed yet another appeal they are suddenly going to show us all the holy grail of "infringing" code. In each case where they've brought up "infringing" code, it was either released by themselves, or was code they didn't own in the first place.

Comment Re:You're confused (Score 1) 300

The OP sounds like a coded attempt to slander one OS because he's using the wrong tool on an install that will not support it while claiming it can be done on the other OS (assuming that you use the right tool on an install that will support it.)

Isn't that really the double standard you are referring to?

Comment Re:Anti Virus? (Score 1) 190

He's not being pedantic. It may or may not be true that "Every virus and trojan I've run across in the last year has carried some kind of spyware payload." The reverse of that is not true. So someone saying "OS X has little need for anti-virus software due to there being a disproportionate(?) lack of spyware" may actually be thinking spyware only comes from SPAM. People like that are less likely to adopt safe surfing practices and contribute to the spread of malware. There IS value in being accurate here.

Comment Re:Remember you are .mil and to .mil you shall ret (Score 1) 132

Technically the militarization of the Internet began in the '70s: "in July 1975, the network had been turned over to the Defense Communications Agency, also part of the Department of Defense." ( Also technically nobody CAN own the Internet. Finally, everyone has a right to defend their part of the network. If you think it hasn't been militarized until now then you should go back to playing with your Lincoln Logs.

Comment Re:Qualifications (Score 1) 132

1. Much has changed since your last experience including a new career field and tech school. 2. Referring to folks in the military as warriors reflects a major change in how everyone is thought of/used. There is now greater focus on in field readiness. 3. No insult taken, but you should temper your cynicism with some good old up-to-date information every now and then.

Comment Re:So when does Canonical need to start making mon (Score 2, Interesting) 165

It seems that a number of companies focus on long term profits as opposed to short term (like Amazon for example) so it doesn't surprise me that the last five years have not been chiefly about profit. I doubt they had their eyes on the cloud as a promising revenue stream back when they started up so the chance they are taking by adding it doesn't seem that great. I'd bet that they still have a longer view of how they could reach full profitability since they seem to have favored using their Ubuntu project to grow both the platform and the user base. That still seems to have potential payoffs deep into the future. They've gotten close but still need to grow the platform quite a bit in order to earn a large enough user base to make a difference. I know many people don't think it will happen but I would bet there is room for a third player in the OS market. So I would say a company of around 200 employees is small enough still that meager profits are sustainable for some time, as long as the vision and potential hold promise. Those aren't answers, but then my investment is only in time, and hobbies don't have to pay off.

Comment Re:Why write something people give away for free? (Score 1) 393

"I'm curious as to why a company would spend a lot of money making something that other people will give away for free." You don't understand it because you look at it as if they would be giving it away for free. (Idealistically perhaps) they would be outsourcing development and maintenance for the price of having access and free use of the source code. Obviously there would be no money in giving away everything. Many FOSS projects have commercial cousins that have more "enterprise" features. Look at Canonical ( as one modern example. I don't intend to posit that they are wildly profitable, but that there is a path to profit using a community of developers who each have some skin in the game, as well as those who work on the code with other motivations. Companies like Canonical presumably spend less managing that community than they would if they were developing and maintaining the OS all on their own. They pay their hired developers to work on their enterprise products which sit on top of the community developed Linux distro.

Comment Re:Can PJ take legal action against Maureen O'Gara (Score 5, Interesting) 96

FTA: "One can say quite a lot in legal filings, and get away with it, but there is a line where it becomes libel, when it is gratuitous, and that language is gratuitous." That looks like a shot across the bow. If taking these things to court would solve the problem then that is where they must go--I have my doubts. Also FTA "[...] the then-publisher apologized to me publicly, but she [Maureen O'Gara] says in the deposition she's not sorry a bit.]" This is why our public dialog is so toxic these days. PJ is the honest broker in this. She has offered criticisms of SCO, their lawyers and the case--who hasn't. But she has also posted verbatim every public document she could get a hold of. That a presumed journalist would get so nasty and feel no remorse for the drivel she wrote to try to destroy an honest broker is telling. Anyone who hires her does so with full knowledge of her character and deserves to be tarred by this episode as much as she does.

Comment Re:Fools. (Score 1) 572

The problem is that it is rarely profitable over the short term, because the cost of the energy conversion devices (turbines, solar panels, etc.) are very expensive right now. There fixed that for you. The real problem is the same one faced with any new technology/idea--only the politics and the level of understanding on how we solve the problems keeps it from achieving any velocity toward cost savings.

Comment Re:Fools. (Score 1) 572

"Green" policies conserve so if green policies don't make good business decisions then conservative policies don't either. It is just a matter of time and value mixed in with politics. Remove the politics and in time business will see value in "green" conservative policies.

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