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Comment Depends on what field you go into (Score 1) 656

Honestly diffirential equations probably isn't the most important skill for a Comp Sci graduate to have. Outside of specific applications you'll probably never use it again. I never have. I wouldn't discount all higher math though. Most algebra related classes (discrete algebra, linear algebra) definately have applications and if you don't understant those you'll probably suffer for it. Just suck it up and deal with it. The system isn't about teaching you useful skills. The system is about proving that you can jump though hoops.

Submission + - Opportunity Breaks NASA's 40-Year Roving Record (

astroengine writes: After nine years of hard Mars roving, Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Opportunity has broken a 40-year-old extraterrestrial distance record. On Thursday, the tenacious six-wheeled robot drove 80 meters (263 feet), nudging the total distance traveled since landing on the red planet in 2004 to 35.760 kilometers (22.220 miles). NASA’s previous distance record was held by Apollo 17 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt when, in December 1972, they drove their Lunar Roving Vehicle 35.744 kilometers (22.210 miles) over the lunar surface. Although it's broken the NASA distance record, it hasn't surpassed the international record, yet. The Soviet Lunokhod 2 remote-controlled moon rover roved 37 kilometers (23 miles) across the lunar surface and, so far, remains the undisputed champion of distance driving on an extraterrestrial surface.

Submission + - Electrical Brain Stimulation Improves Math Skills (

ewolfson writes: Dinner is over, and the waiter is handing over the bills to everyone when the collective tension sets in... how much do we tip? Math can trigger anxiety in adults and kids, but now scientists at Oxford University have developed a way to flip a switch and turn a normal person's brain into a math machine. They found painless, electrical brain stimulation in combination with easy number exercises can significantly improve math ability.

Submission + - DynDNS further reduces free options

ender8282 writes: DynDNS is further reducing their free offering. Emails and their community support page inform users of the change:

Starting now, if you would like to maintain your free Dyn account, you must log into your account once a month. Failure to do so will result in expiration and loss of your hostname.

The good news is that they are offering a discount ($10 for the first year of Dyn Pro). The bad news is that next year the price will probably jump up to the standard $25/year.


Submission + - TI-84+C-Silver Edition: That C stands for Color! (

skade88 writes: Do you remember those large TI-8X line of calculators with a BW display from when you were growing up and learning all about math? Yeah well, you can still get them because TI has yet to update or change their line of TI-8X calculators from their 96x64 display, processors designed in the 1980s with just a few kilobytes of user accessible memory. They still cost in the $100.00 to $150.00 range.

Even XKCD made a great comic on this issue... a while ago.

That is all about to change now that the TI-8X line of calculators is 22 years old. Their new TI-84+C-Silver edition will come with a 320x240 16-bit color display, 3.5MB of flash ROM, and 21KB of RAM. I am going to dust off my graphics programming skills from 1994 and see what fun stuff I can make on this puppy!

Ars has a good preview of the device along with speculation on why it took so so so very long for TI to finally bring calculators up to a level of technology that could have been delivered a decade ago.

Comment Re:I'd like to see more of this (Score 5, Funny) 139

Oooh, Oooh how about 3 strikes. The media companies love it so much; what if they got 3 strikes? If they issue 3 DMCA take down requests that get overturned as failing to consider fair use, they loose the right to issue take down requests.

I predict that a fraction of a second after such a law took affect most companies' bots would issue bad requests. A few months later the courts would rule that 3 of them were in valid, and all of big name rights owners would loose the right to issue take down notices. Then the word becomes a better place and I can watch the Curiosity landing!

Comment Age Already Matters (Score 1) 397

We (the USA) already restrict certain things based on age. You can't vote until you are 18. You can't drive until you are 16. You can't drink until you are 21. You can't serve in the military until you are 17?. You can't work full time until you are 18. I don't think that anyone is going to propose letting a 5 year old, vote, drink alcohol, drive or work full 40 house a week killing people in the military. If we can restrict all of these things based on age why not restrict sales of games. Unless I am mistaken the law didn't restrict minors from owning or playing the games. If parents want to allow their children to play the games they should be allowed to. Just like parents can (or should be able to) let their children operate a vehicle on private property. Children are not first class citizens. They shouldn't be first class citizens. Restricting sales of violent games, alcohol, pornography, or tobacco should be alright.

Comment Re:Not in use? (Score 1) 324

Can I be the first to implement it?

"Hey boss look at this cool new feature that I added, it saves the customer money!"
"Well John, that a nice feature. I guess that I am employing to many of you if you have time to implement un-requested features that don't help us. Enjoy the unemployment line..."

Comment Ask yourself ths (Score 1) 1307

OP, You sound some what security conscious so I would ask you the question: Would you let the IT guy plug a small server into your home network. Would you let IT guy plug the server into your home network if he gives you a regular user account on the machine? Would you let IT guy plug the server into your home network if he gives you a root account on the machine? If you are actually security conscious I assume that you would answer no to all 3 questions. A better solution would be: why not plug your little server into your home network and punch open the hole in your own firewall. You would have full control, and would never have to give IT guy an account. In the mean time you can keep pushing them to set up the service on an official hospital machine.

Comment Re:Sorry, no "dirty tricks" campaign here... (Score 1) 1060

Why do leading US politicians advocate cold blooded murder by government troops?

Because he is effectively a terrorist. In all of the reports that I have read I have yet to hear revelations about the US killing babies and doing horrible things. If those were the kinds of things being reported this case would be very different. Instead diplomatic cables claiming the the Prince of England is an ass have been released. That only serves to hurt the US's relationship with other nations, and generally hurt its international standing. If these same documents had been released by Osama Bin Laden we would say it is yet another terrorist attack. Instead they have been released by a person who in the past has done good things in the name of public disclosure of information. I fail to see the value in this latest release and as a result I am right in line with whichever US politicians are advocating cold blooded murder.

Submission + - Netflix deal expands instant watch catalog ( 1

SloppyElvis writes: Netflix Inc. has announced a deal, reportedly worth $1 billion, to bulk up its increasingly popular Internet streaming service with Hollywood blockbusters such as "Star Trek," "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and "The Godfather."

"What's exciting here is it really reaffirms that the Internet is a serious delivery channel," said analyst Colin Dixon, a senior partner for the research firm the Diffusion Group. Netflix has really been the catalyzing force on the market and it has illustrated very graphically that consumers are very comfortable consuming quality content directly from the Internet and in some respects, it's their preferred medium."

Read more: here

Comment Re:Copyright laws. (Score 1) 436

In some (not all) cases the content owner is deprived of a sale. That sale would likely have put money into the pocket of the content owner. In that case the content owner has been stolen from. Don't get me wrong; I don't for a moment believe that EVERY download is a lost sale. If a person downloads something that they would have otherwise ended up buying, then the content owner has been deprived of a sale and has been stolen from. The flip side is that if after downloading content a person ends up purchasing the content because of the 'preview' they have added a sale. While I don't have any proof I believe that the former far exceeds the later.

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
