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Comment Of course it'll happen (Score 2) 185

Apple is pretty predictable -- once they've started showing their hand. They consistently take successful ideas used in one place and expand them as far as possible. Successful user interface paradigms developed for one application later appear in others. The iOS App Store begat the Mac App Store. So it seems pretty obvious that Apple, having introduced Siri, will expand it.

Except for major OS releases to paid developer program members, Apple almost never releases anything with a "beta" label. Siri is labeled a beta, which surely is meant to indicate that more functionality is planned.

Comment Oh, please. It's an obvious shape. (Score 1) 263

Let's say you have to design a connector for a device which is relatively thin, and is expected to get thinner in the future. Existing common connection standards like USB don't provide the functionality you want. What's the most obvious shape? How about a flat line?

Wow, amazing work. I don't think there's much inspiration required.

Comment Apple isn't a software company (Score 1) 223

Apple's products are hardware-software bundles. Apple sometimes sells updated software to use on hardware you already bought from them. They also are a vendor of content -- none of which they create -- with the goal of making their hardware-software bundles even more appealing.

Stupid exceptions that don't change my argument:
  FileMaker (a mostly-ignored Apple subsidiary)
  You can use iTunes on Windows to purchase music & video and never put them on an Apple device. This wasn't the goal of the iTunes Music Store, and doesn't make much money for Apple.
  The legions of 3rd-party products Apple sells online and at their stores have nothing to do with this.

Comment Are they counting free subscriptions? (Score 4, Informative) 117

I've had a login pretty much since they started requiring registration to view stories -- late 90s some time? Right after the paywall was announced, I got an email thanking me for being a long-time account holder and offering me a free year's subscription. I took their offer, of course. How many of those 100,000 subscribers are actually paying?

Comment Re:They aren't doing this to snub the little guys. (Score 1) 146

That works if and only if Apple tells everyone that's what they're doing. While it may be likely based on past experience, you cannot safely assume a company will do anything in particular.

Innovation often doesn't come from the big guys. Experience so far with the App Store has certainly shown that. There's no good reason for Apple to only look at large publishing operations for input.

Comment Charge for tethering is a complete rip-off now (Score 5, Insightful) 514

The ridiculous part is that they're still charging a fee to enable tethering. That sort of makes sense with an "unlimited" plan. Presumably, the plan price was based on an estimate of how much data you'd use. Since tethering will obviously drive up usage, that assumption is no longer valid. (This highlights the absurdity of so-called "unlimited" plans that aren't really.)

But now that you are paying for actual use, there's no excuse to charge anything for tethering. You've paid for 2 GB (or whatever), and it shouldn't matter how it gets used. If you use more, you pay more.

I'd really like to see a regulatory authority question that charge.

Comment Changes affect all AT&T customers (Score 1) 670

If you actually read the AT&T press release you'll find that this applies to all smartphone data plans. It's not just about iPhones. They're basically changing the iPad plans to match.

As of right now, Apple's iPad product page still refers to unlimited data plans. It's hard to imagine AT&T didn't notify Apple that this is coming, but it almost looks like they don't know.


Submission + - How can a business end wrongful ASCAP shakedown? (

Logic Bomb writes: A local coffee shop was recently forced to stop performances by unsigned musicians because ASCAP and other licensing groups insist the shop owes thousands of dollars in fees. The fees are a preemptive shakedown, supposedly owed because performers at the shop might play someone's copyrighted work. Despite the shop owner's efforts to clarify or negotiate, the licensing groups aren't budging. Who can a small business owner turn to for help in this situation? It doesn't really seem like an issue for the EFF. The ACLU seems like a possibility, but this problem isn't on their list of key issues. Anyone dealt with this before?

Comment Asimov himself said nothing happens in Foundation (Score 3, Interesting) 283

These are absolutely some of my very favorite books. But as I recall, Asimov's own foreword to the original trilogy makes the idea of a movie series seem pretty stupid. He started Foundation as a series of short stories. Years later, when a publisher was trying to persuade him to make a longer Foundation work, Asimov had to go back and re-read the material. He reports that, as he sat there reading, he kept waiting for something to happen in the story. He was right (of course): Foundation is mostly people have discussions. What kind of movie can you make out of that?

Comment Re:Maybe it's just me (Score 1) 285

My understanding is that one of the primary issues in a civil case is whether there's even an issue that the court can decide. I believe one can ask a court to make a preemptive ruling. However, most of the time if there isn't actually a dispute the court won't hear the case. And since the TSA changed its policies, there's no longer a dispute.

Now, if the detained individual wants to file his own lawsuits for damages and that sort of thing, that's a different issue.

Comment Re:Large scale Apple managed LAN? (Score 4, Informative) 460

There are many huge Mac deployments: universities, school districts with 1-to-1 laptop programs where every student gets a laptop, Google (thousands of Macs), the Fountainbleau hotel in Miami, and more. Apple gear isn't always used to manage everything: most of these sites are probably using Active Directory or some UNIX-based LDAP service for account management. But there are plenty of large Mac deployments out there.

Comment Re:Punch your customers in the face, selectively (Score 1) 174

Just last night I got a phone survey that was obviously commissioned by my cable TV/Internet company. Among the questions asked was, "if your monthly bill went up by $3, how likely would you be to cancel your service?" They asked a variation of that question about a competitor's telephone service.

Your example is funny, but don't you think McDonald's has done research on how long they can let a drive-through line get before customers go elsewhere?

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