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Comment Re:Best of intentions (Score 4, Interesting) 226

Anyone with some legal experience able to clarify this? Given that grooveshark wasn't...exactly...apologetic about their strategy(nor has it changed all that much), my assumption is that the sudden shift to grovelling-apology-mode has much more to do with losing than it does with any change of heart.

Do courts give grovelling apologies enough weight that this 'contrition' is a logical strategy to try to reduce any awards of damages? Are such apologies sometimes added as conditions of a settlement, presumably so that the victor can grind the vanquished further into the dirt? Is there some other advantage to issuing one?

Comment Re:Can't wait to get this installed in my house (Score 2) 514

According to the spec sheet, the battery bank itself is a 400VDC unit and does not include an AC inverter(though a locally appropriate inverter, if not already available from a solar install or the like, would presumably be something you'd include in the project if you wished to install one). You are limited by the peak draw that the battery pack allows; but you can do absolutely whatever you feel like, subject to local codes and keeping your insurance, with the output. Unless you live in some really, really, freaky location where inverters that match your grid's flavor of power simply aren't on the market, it should be pretty trivial to spec an inverter suitable to the location.

Comment Re:Gamechanger (Score 1) 514

Also, unless you are in an area without gas service, or in a house built with 100% electric heat, winter tends to be somewhat favorable to electrical demand. Lighting requirements go up, since the days are shorter; but contemporary lighting efficiency has increased by leaps and bounds of late(and anyone buying a Tesla battery pack is probably already running LED lights, or willing to consider it); and the cold reduces air conditioning demand to effectively zero, while heating is often accomplished substantially by on-site combustion heaters, which impose negligible electrical load(typically a trickle to keep the thermostats and other regulatory electronics up; but that's peanuts compared to AC load).

An area with proper winter would make outdoor installs problematic(Li-ion is better than most; but batteries still don't do any better for being below freezing); but otherwise the situation isn't so bad. If anything, places with brutal summers are probably the harder case, since AC is absolutely voracious in its demand, and almost always electrical, and the modest increase in available solar power doesn't necessarily negate the substantial increase in cooling requirements.

Comment Re:There's a shock... (Score 1) 174

I don't know of any FBI-specific issues with DNA work; but various crime labs have had issues with atrociously sloppy practices that tend to go unchallenged, or overtly hidden, for some years. The big FBI story is definitely the "yeah, we basically didn't do a single hair analysis right for two decades; also hair analysis in general is probably bullshit" issue.

In general, DNA-based techniques have the advantage that they are actually 'science', as originally developed by scientists looking for useful research tools and facing some possibility of falsification, embarassing retractions, etc. It requires some skill, and considerable attention to good standards of cleanliness, bench technique, etc.(especially if PCR is involved; that technique is practically black magic it's so good at picking up otherwise impossible to detect DNA; but it is equally good at amplifying your accidental contamination of the sample by a few orders of magnitude)

Much of the rest of forensic 'science', is little better than polygraphs and phrenology. 'Bite mark analysis', in particular, is a tragicomedy.

Comment Interesting... (Score 1) 514

The consumer version bears a disconcerting resemblance to a coffin for a particularly obese child; but I'm liking the looks of the rack-based unit.

This might have something to do with a recent spate of obnoxious fights with some of our APC UPSes and their surprisingly touchy and death-prone lead acid battery modules. Even when the UPSes themselves arent' dropping dead, swapping out SLA modules every 2-3 years, at best, gets real old, real fast.

Comment Re: Ted Lieu (Score 1) 174

He is probably the most effective example in reasonably contemporary history. Which isn't terribly impressive given that most people couldn't actually tell you what he was for or against, his activities had no visible effect on any federal activity he was against, and he ended up getting executed, and his main assistant sent to ADX Florence to rot more or less without controversy.

Also (like most people who want to get some asymmetric warfare done) he didn't bother with the abject futility of a gun battle against superior forces, and opted for explosives and stealth instead.

Definitely the best example available; but not...exactly...a striking demonstration of effectiveness.

Comment Re: Ted Lieu (Score 2) 174

People do enjoy saying that; but that doesn't seem to change the more or less total absence of any repressive measures, activities, or persons being literally shot down. Maybe whoever pinged a few rounds off the NSA's windows deserves some credit for effort; but he's pretty lonely. Hell, the last person to even unnerve the DC area was probably the beltway sniper, and he was some shithead gunning for his ex wife or something. Seriously guys, let's see some blood of patriots and tyrants, or the admission that guns are a fun hobby; but spare us the empty chest-beating nonsense.

Comment There's a shock... (Score 1) 174

I just can't believe that an agency that (voluntarily, no less) works out of a headquarters named in J Edgar Hoober's 'honor' would have some ideas about encryption that are anything other than technologically cutting edge and fourth amendment compliant. They should probably just stick to doing their...special...brand of forensic science and leave policy to people who don't goose-step to the short bus every morning.

Comment Confused much? (Score 5, Insightful) 703

"But a group of British and American skeptics say the Pope is being fed "mistaken" advice from the UN and that he should stick to speaking out on matters of morality and theology rather than getting involved in the climate change debate"

While I would have no reason to consider the pope's opinion on a scientific matter to be particularly interesting; doesn't climate change count as a glaringly obvious moral issue under all but the very, very, most optimistic models of its expected effects? I realize such statements are a polite way of saying 'go back to talking about financially irrelevant stuff like homosexuals and the slut menace, and let us do as we wish'; but if the imposition of negative externalities, on a substantial scale, isn't a moral issue, what would be?

Comment Re:Wow ... (Score 1) 263

What I'm surprised by is the fact that this problem just suddenly cropped up on a given day(and with enough units that it wasn't just a hardware fluke).

These ipads were replacements for a big bag of relatively static documentation. For that purpose, you'd think that you would freeze the iOS version for long periods of time(and have IT test the hell out of any updates), and have a similarly static app that Nobody Touches without substantial approval, with only some PDF or HTML documents specific to the flight swapped out as needed.

Ipads aren't formally proven ultra-reliable systems or anything; but it seems a little weird that they'd unexpectedly fall over under the relatively undemanding task of displaying documentation generated by a non-hostile source.

Are these 'electronic flight bags' actually a great deal more complex than that? Was American Airlines monkeying with production systems on a tight schedule? Anyone have a plausible scenario here?

Comment I, for one... (Score 2) 20

I thought that I'd heard some pretty compelling OS sales pitches in my time; but "Perhaps the #1 choice of impoverished peasants buying their first finite state machine!, if we can get the OEM deals through" simply redefines my expectations of what is possible in the genre. What could possibly be more thrilling than that?

Comment Re:KDBus - another systemd brick on the wall (Score 1) 232

Very true; though (on the whole) the end user has made the same choice when they'd either have to buy more hardware or spend more for software and/or make do with fewer features.

Even situations that are highly cost sensitive and have customers who bear the entire cost of the extra hardware or the extra software engineering (like embedded systems) have seen a fair amount of hardware growth. Cortex-M0 or a bunch of extra squeezing to get it into an 8 or 16 bit micro?

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