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Comment Re:Who adheres to them? (Score 1) 474

I'm guessing that Ubisoft were afraid that attention would be drawn to how horribly the game runs on the next-gen consoles. On PS4 the framerate int he first 10 minutes drops down to around 10 frames per second and on Xbone it drops to around 15 frames per second (this is from personal experience - got it on both consoles and have tried it on both). Also, given that it's minimum specs on PC are that of a quite high end gaming PC where it's also running like crap, they really deserve to be smashed in reviews for releasing such a horribly broken game.

Comment Re:International Copyright (Score 1) 172

I guess it boils down to what you think is a reasonable markup on something. $1 AUD buys $0.90 USD currently. So what do you think a reasonable markup on something would be? 20%? 50%? How about 400%? Because that's what they expect us to pay, and then they call us pirates when we choose to seek alternate methods to access Netflix!!! FWIW - News Corpse owns The Australian newspaper, and owns half of Foxtel, the monopoly payTV provider in Australia.

Comment Re:WAAAHHHH!!! (Score 2) 172

It gets better. Foxtel (the major rights holder for TV content in Australia) wants people to have their internet connections cut off if they pirate TV shows, whilst charging $150 a month for cable TV in HD. There's no legal way to access shows like Game of Thrones in Australia via streaming, the cheapest possible way to watch it as it airs overseas is with a "Foxtel-Play" subscription for $35/month for the 3 months. And then Foxtel and Village Roadshow and Quickflix all cry about piracy, because people don't want to pay a 400% markup for TV content. Netflix and a VPN service is costing me $15/month for five times the content I can get from Foxtel for $150/month

Comment Re:In before (Score 1) 147

Meanwhile I get 250/20 Mbits, with bundled tv and phone for ~$30, with no data caps, no asterisks with small print, no T&C bullshit.

*sigh* living in Australia sucks. 15/1 mbps ADSL2 for $80/month, $10 a month for a voip phone with that and if i want foxtel TV they want a minimum of $60 a month on top for just basic channels in SD, anything worth watching means $130 and an extra $10 for an HD box... and then they wonder why we pirate.

Comment Re:Is anyone giving money to Sony? (Score 1) 254

Which is what, 2% of the total amount of games available on Steam? Whilst I'd love them to port over a lot of the games to Linux, the reality is that the major titles that Steam has are still going to require a Windows machine to stream them to the SteamOS console. It may encourage development of games under Linux, which would be great, but at this point, SteamOS is going to require a Windows PC to run the majority of Steam games.

So in answer to your question "Who needs Windows when you have SteamOS?", I stand by my statement - SteamOS needs Windows. At this point. Let's hope it changes in future.

Comment Re:Is anyone giving money to Sony? (Score 1) 254

SteamOS does - to stream the games across your network to the SteamOS box that won't run natively in it... unless I've missed some major announcement that SteamOS will actually run the latest AAA style titles natively?

The Valve SteamOS page still says:

You can play all your Windows and Mac games on your SteamOS machine, too. Just turn on your existing computer and run Steam as you always have - then your SteamOS machine can stream those games over your home network straight to your TV!

Comment Re:Welcome to the rest of the world (Score 1) 312

This guy gets it.

Why should Origin charge me $79.99 Australian for Battlefield 4 because I purchased it in the Australian Origin shop? It's $41.45 through the Origin Mexico store, and downloads from the same Origin servers. Origin Australia doesn't actually bill from Australia, and there is no GST component applied and provided to the Australian government, it just lines EA's pockets.

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