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Comment Re:I like my netbook. (Score 1) 300

Best initial $250 I ever spent on a computer and the upgrades I put in were totally worth it.

This. For the price, you can't beat 'em. I've had my EeePC for 3 years now and have been picking them up for friends and customers on ebay for up to $200 (new, unused, 1 year old, etc.). My favorites to bid on are the people who get them for free at a convention or whatever but never use it and it just sits in the closet until they realize, "Oh yeah, I can probably sell that."

I can do everything on my EeePC that I can do on my desktop at home and work, running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. Everything works, webcam, mic, wireless. And I too have beat the crap out of it through rough handling and carelessness and it's still purring along.

Comment Re:Buy a scooter (Score 1) 717

That's only 96 days of round trip commuting for you. With 6 months per year, 5 days a week, with 33% unsuitable days, that's 40 days of use per year. So you'd break even in under 3 years. Plus, you're saving wear and tear on your main vehicle.

Perhaps, in an ideal world, your statement is accurate even though it's "a pretty simplistic analysis."

"Breaking even" isn't what I'm worried about when it comes to transportation. I had motorcycles that got 50-80 mpg and combinations of things you can't predict never made it possible to ride that many days. Weather, schedules, deliveries, pick-ups, meetings, carpools, giving kid's friends a ride too, mechanical difficulties - there's too many variables. For me it's not practical and I'm not saving any money either. Plus you're still neglecting the maintenance costs of the scooter and the fact that a vehicle that small can't travel on the highway.

The Subaru gets 25 mpg on a good day.

Comment Re:Buy a scooter (Score 1) 717

A scooter's cheap enough that you can buy one to use when it does make sense

I'm glad you seem to know my finances well enough to make this statement. Purchase price is not all that's spent when buying a vehicle. In addition to the initial cost, there's also insurance, taxes (paid annually), tags, and maintenance. I've owned several motorcycles and they need more upkeep than a car, so there's also a 'lost value of money over time' factor to consider.

When does it "make sense?" I routinely pick up and haul several computers at a time, have 2 kids that play sports, and drive 25 miles each way to work. I live in a climate where it'd be practical to drive a scooter/motorcycle from maybe end of April through end of September, provided it's not raining, which is usually 30% of the time (give-or-take).

I live on a twisty-turny mountain road that's rife w/ roadkill. I've hit several deer with my vehicle and lived to talk about it. How likely am I to survive hitting a deer on my bike? Not very.

The decision to buy a particular vehicle is not always driven by cost or even fuel economy. In fact, my current vehicle, a somewhat small Subaru Outback, was left to me when my father passed away. I drive it because it's practical and allows me to haul all the stuff I need to work and the kids around when necessary.

Comment Re:Buy a scooter (Score 2) 717

Buy a scooter, 1 gallon will get you 70 miles.

Ok, so what do you do when it's 13 deg. F (-10.5 C) outside, with a 40 mph wind? Have you ever driven a 2-wheeled vehicle on ice or in the snow? Or when it's pouring down rain?

What do you do when you have to take your kid to hockey practice? You may be able to fit all the "weekly shopping" on it, but will it hold all the pads, bags and sticks required for hockey? What if you have 3 kids that play hockey?

Just because something works fine for you doesn't mean that's the case for everyone.

Comment Re:I'll die happy (Score 1) 251

As someone whose experienced how the body feels on the level of restricted calories required to trigger the effect that's been studied, its a life of lethargy and lack of energy. I used to eat twice a day, under 1000 calories, and my bodily functions followed (don't have a bowel movement but once every couple days, don't get hungry, etc). The side effects were I could barely work out hard for 20 minutes and couldn't enjoy outdoor activities because I simply didn't have the energy, wanting to sleep upwards of 12 hours a day when feasible.

Then you're doing it wrong.


Submission + - Mitt Romney chooses Paul Ryan as VP Runningmate

fl!ptop writes: At 7:04 this morning, the GOP candidate's campaign tweeted: "Mitt's choice for VP is Paul Ryan". The official announcement is scheduled for 9:05 am in Virginia at the USS Wisconsin which is, maybe not ironically, the state that Ryan represents in Congress. Does the choice of a very fiscally conservative running mate signal that Mitt is committed to fixing the U.S. economy, or is Ryan a bad choice because he seems to
have more brains than political sense?

Comment Re:Craigslist is a shithole (Score 1) 160

craigslist is a shithole

I won't go that far, but it is somewhat cumbersome to use in certain circumstances. For example, a colleague and I were planning a trip to Cleveland to hire a new manager, and wanted to post an ad on CL about a week before we were going to be there. This way we could do a phone interview, arrange a meeting, etc. all before getting to Cleveland, instead of posting it when we got there and then sitting around for a week doing nothing.

The posts we submitted kept getting ghosted, and the only reason we could figure was because the IP addresses we submitted from weren't in the Cleveland area. Sure enough, when we arrived in Cleveland we tried posting again using the exact same text and it was accepted.

As a side note, the posts were accepted only after we used the hotel's wireless network. When we tried posting using a USB cellular card plugged into a laptop, the posts kept getting ghosted, for probably the same reason. It was a pain in the ass, but you get what you pay for I guess.

Comment Re:Tell me slashdot... (Score 1) 163

..why this is impractical and won't ever work.

Off the top of my head, I can think of a few reasons this won't work in my house during the summer, when the sun is most plentiful and we have the least amount of overcast days where I live:

  • Because now I have to cut down all the trees that shade my house and help keep it cool in the summer
  • Because none of my unshaded windows face the East/South/West.
  • Because the awnings that block the hot summer sun on windows that aren't shaded by trees will have to be removed, meaning the interior of my house will be hotter, meaning the a/c will run more.

Submission + - End of the line for Spamcop?

fl!ptop writes: Since about the middle of June, spam reporting tool Spamcop has been under what appears to be a very well coordinated and executed DDoS attack. As a paying member of many years, I've been experiencing unusually long delays, 404's, proxy errors, gateway timeouts, and other strange errors when trying to submit spam reports. There is a very long thread in the 'general' forum discussing the issue. Like some of the commentators, I'm wondering how a company with resources like Cisco (owner of Spamcop) could let this problem persist for so long. Admin posts to the discussion thread keep indicating the problem is fixed, there's a big backlog, it should be working, etc. but that's not the case from my point of view (and may others). Could it be because Cisco doesn't care about the service anymore and are not giving it their full attention? Is this the beginning of the end for Spamcop?

Comment Re:As a software programmer (Score 1) 372

using patents the way you want limits the software industry by saying only this company can make any kind of a software that does this

Not really. What is says is, "This company can make any kind of software that does this, and any other company must license it from the 1st company."

Until the patent expires, of course.

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