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Comment Flame (Score 1) 316

So I will be able to get from some torrent site the design to print my own iPhone?

Anything you can print with a 3D printer you could do with your own hands and plaster; what's the big deal?
If cd burners are not illigal, I don't see how 3D printers could get to be.

Comment Re:NASA's World Wind (Score 3, Informative) 190

WorldWind is definitelly the best Open Source option to Google Earth. And even though only NASA's imagery is available, a lot of other sources are available. For isntance, Virtual Earth's imagery can be used for non commercial purposes in World Wind. There's also the posibility for governments to put their imagery for free usage, like in a Slovene project Gaea: (, which can be tested here (
The Internet

Submission + - Use DropBox to avoid large attachments in emails (

marjancek writes: It might sound obvious or not a big deal, but large email attachments take a lot of disk space in your hard drive, delay other more important emails in slow connections, slow down your email program and can be just plainly annoying. Avoid upsetting others and filling your "sent" folder by using on-line storage such as DropBox to serve the files, keep email folders light, and let people decide whether they are interested in your file or not before downloading, and perhaps even keeping that file.

Comment Re:The most boring benchmarking ever. (Score 1) 193

No, it doesn't boot in 3 seconds, but in 7, and only with SSDs. And that's more than the 5 seconds we've already seen: Anyhow; isntant Linuxes in ROM are the future, so no use in scrapping milliseconds from boot-up to a capped down OS that has no applications.

Comment Re:MS (Score 1) 176

That didn't stop Windows from having MIPS, Alpha and IA-64 versions in the past. Plus, it could even take advantage of the enormous number of open source programs that could be compiled for ARM Windows before commercial titles get ported. Don't tell me they won't because wouldn't not profitable; trying to screw Linux is always in Redmon's top priorities.

Comment MS (Score 1) 176

It's said that Intel has the edge on this fight due to x86 compatibility, but Microsoft can really change things around if they decided to port Win7 to ARM, instead of offering only Windows CE. But considering monopolies, I wouldn't expect that any time soon.

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