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Comment Re:Let's predict the headlines of the future: (Score 4, Insightful) 305

Agreed. They're going to pull a Dx10 - Vista. Windows 8 was a COLOSSAL failure, so just like Vista, now they have to force the market to give them money.

So Windows 9 is going to have Dx12 baked in, and it'll be called "GraphicsNew" instead of "DirectX" so we can't say "Hey, why teh fuck won't you release Dx12 for Windows7?" like we did with XP and Dx9/10. "Oh, sorry, but GraphicsNew is too fancy for poor Windows7, its completely different from DirectX!"

Yeah fucking right.

Comment Re:Marketing stunt? (Score 1) 99

I don't know. The whole thing is just bizarre. Maybe it is a marketing stunt?

The release was very, very oddly handled. They only mentioned it on April 1st, April Fool's Day, so it looked 100% like an April Fool's Joke.

Then, we don't really hear anything from Ubisoft, but some gaming press announces they heard some press release that its legit and its coming out in May. We don't know how much it'll cost.

What is that? What games these days aren't marketed to hell?

Then its leaked by accident... yeah maybe this is some weird viral marketing scheme?

Comment Re:Unreleased game, footage of it being played?? (Score 2) 99

Its not a new game really, its a standalone expansion pack for Far Cry 3. You don't need Far Cry 3 to play it, but it builds entirely on it and is pretty much the exact same game. So it makes sense that they could crank this out pretty fast and not have too many bugs.

Blood Dragon is just FarCry3 but in the future, with 80s chrome/neon everywhere. Which is fucking awesome.

Comment Re:Can't Go Backwards (Score 1) 736

No, its more like your GPS says 5 minutes, then an hour, then 5 minutes, then an hour, when you know both can't be right. Telling me 22 and taking 35 is pretty fair, especially if it revises its time to get closer to 35 as you go.

There's no reason why it shouldn't attempt to do a quick inventory of all the processes necessary, the size of all files involved, and compare that to the general rate of copy/delete/whatever. Its the same thing your gps does, its averages your speed and calculates time, based on the total distance.

Many current status bars (windows) just use the current file, and so if that one file is really big, it assumes they're all big, or if that one file is really small, it assumes they're all small, which gives it wildly off values. Other OS (OSX) do a full inventory of all files to be copied / installed first, so that the progress bar is far more accurate and doesn't spastically jump back and forth.

But you could go even further, do like the GPS does, and keep a database of users and their past progress and times. They could record user install times based on the hardware, MS could just collect your DxDiag file and the time taken to install, and then when you go to install it just finds the nearest hardware profile and guesses that you're going to take about as long. Boom.

Comment Re:Can't Go Backwards (Score 1) 736

You can try to profile it, but the actual time is determined by the local hardware after all: Processor speed, number of cores (which affects only some operations), network speed, free memory - there's no way to predict how much of the time will be spend on each task.

But all of the hardware information is available to the OS. They should be able to track generic profiles of different hardware specs and the times it took them to complete, and then they could pick a similar result to your hardware directx config or whatever, and tell you its going to take about that long. Not hard or complicated at all. Hm.

Comment Re:Anonymous has become Batman. (Score 2) 436

You're hilariously naive about law.


If I participate in a crime, I see someone else do it, and then the cops catch me, DUH the cops can get me to rat on my friends and testify against them. You think because I saw them committing a crime while I was committing a crime, that my testimony doesn't count as evidence in court?

Ugh, public education, ladies and gentlemen.

The fruit of the poisoned tree rule only applies to cops, to prevent cops from abusing their authority. Citizens have absolutely NO such restriction. I can break into your house, find a video of you stealing something, and then mail it to the cops anonymously. The cops receive it anonymously, they haven't broken any laws, so it works just fine as evidence and you're arrested.

Its actually a pretty big loophole that a lawyer could knowingly take some evidence obtained illegally and mail it to the cops anonymously, thus "laundering" the evidence, but its not a common situation.

Comment Re:The guys is wrong (Score 1) 740

I am indeed using windows 7 and am fine with it. And 8 is fine on a tablet. I just feel like the review did have several good criticisms of Windows 8 as a desktop OS, it really is quite frustrating to use as a complete workstation replacement versus what we've been used to. It interrupts productivity in the office. Again, as a home tablet OS, its fine. Have you tried it with Dual Montiors? Blagh. Definitely not for workstations.

Comment Re:He admits he's not using a tablet!!! (Score 3, Insightful) 740

"Well, there you go! We all knew this OS was an absolutely terrible OS for desktops, but hey guys it works for tablets sorta so its not that bad"

I'm lost.

"We all knew there were usability issues on the desktop" sounds like conceding "This is a shitty operating system", or at least "This is a tablet only OS".

Comment Re:Clearly Phillip Greenspun didn't try very hard (Score 1) 740

Click on the start button. Click Shut Down.

Because Windows is so ubiquitous, Linux has had to copy Windows UI design for awhile now to make it accessible. Anything that isn't Windows style is unintuitive since we've learned that, even if it would originally be more intuitive.

Have you seen Ubuntu lately?

Comment Re:The guys is wrong (Score 4, Insightful) 740

While Im not an advocate of Windows 8, miss information makes me mad too. In the article it said "Some functions, such as ‘start an application’ or ‘restart the computer’ are available only from the tablet interface". I took this to mean the Metro tiles, which if that's what he meant, he is completely wrong. The command prompt is still there. The standard desktop is still there. "Old style" shortcuts still exist. Of course, he complained about that too.


The old desktop IS still there. HOWEVER, many of the things which used to be on the desktop ARE NO LONGER.


The review is absolutely correct, and you're completely misinformed. Just because you have a command prompt doesn't mean that everything else from your desktop still works or is still there.

I have to switch from metro to desktop to use half my apps, but I have to switch from desktop to metro to use system properties? Worst design ever.

You don't seem to understand his complaints. Its not that shorcuts work. Its that metro shortcuts kick you to the desktop, and the desktop kicks you to metro. Why can't you just use one? Why can't everything be done in both? Its a clusterfuck.

Comment Eyes = point of view (Score 1) 196

You're not looking at the center of the person, if you were doing that, the head wouldn't make sense. You'd stare at their chest. The point is not to look at a being's physical form necessarily, but rather to look them in the eyes, that is, to look at where they're looking from. You see them seeing you, they see you seeing them. Do you look a blind person in the eyes when you're talking to them? They won't look you in the eyes back, likely. Its about perspective, not about form.

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