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Comment feminism (Score 2, Interesting) 642

It's because of bigots like you that guys like me feel feminism still needs to exist. Same goes for affirmative action.

The simple rule is to treat others as you'd want to be treated. Period. How often do you hear about women having too much power? Never by sane people. How many females are on boards of directors? Way too few. Do women have way more obstacles to overcome just to do well at work? You bet your ass they do. Of course men "don't talk and bitch about it" because they have no idea how poorly women can be treated.

I know women to this day who are seen more as sex objects than colleagues and never taken seriously at work, even though they happen to be smarter than many of the others in the room. They are often ignored or 'mansplained to' (Wikipedia). Women (and men) actually ARE doing something productive about it by informing the ignorant that women generally have it rougher than men.

As for life being unfair, I agree with you, but not with the word 'sometimes'. Being a woman on earth means 'almost every time' life is unfair, and I don't see why that should be the status quo nor why we shouldn't set a high standard of conduct for ourselves to resolve that.

By the way, why is calling a locker room full of guys 'ladies' or something based on the feminine like 'bitching' derogatory , while telling women to 'man up' supposed to mean to strive for better?

I don't see why the burden of action should be on those who are subjugated to unfair behaviour. Why isn't it up to men to stop being jerks?

Submission + - Gen Y: The Cheapest Generation (theatlantic.com)

The_AV8R writes: Derek Thompson and Jordan Weissmann wrote an article in The Atlantic with their take on Why Millennials aren’t buying cars or houses, and what that means for the economy.

They make the (obvious) observation on the shift from the ownership culture to an 'access' culture. Maybe other broke Gen Y-ers like myself out there can get warm fuzzies from the read.

Comment I once placed my hands on Seven and Five (Score 1) 380

I once placed my hands on Seven and Five
Then my summer employer wanted to ensure on gravel roads I can drive

With the assessor I took to the road
and upon me this knowledge she bestowed:

"If ever you crash and the airbags go off
please remember, do not scoff

Because you will scream deathly calls
As your hands completely squish your balls...

Please be safe
Drive at least at Four and Eight"


Wikileaks Now Hosted By the Swedish Pirate Party 438

oskii writes "During his visit to the the Swedish capital Stockholm, Wikileaks spokesman Julian Assange has struck a deal with the local Pirate Party. The party, which participates in the national elections next month, will host several new Wikileaks servers to protect freedom of press and help the whistleblower site to carry out its operation."

KDE 4.5 Released 302

An anonymous reader writes "KDE 4.5.0 has been released to the world. See the release announcement for details. Highlights include a Webkit browser rendering option for Konqueror, a new caching mechanism for a faster experience and a re-worked notification system. Another new feature is Perl bindings, in addition to Python, Ruby and JavaScript support. The Phonon multimedia library now integrates with PulseAudio. See this interview with KDE developer and spokesperson Sebastian Kugler on how KDE can continue to be innovative in the KDE4 age. Packages should be available for most Linux distributions in the coming days. More than 16000 bug fixes were committed since 4.4."

Firefox 3.5 Now the Most Popular Browser Worldwide 422

gQuigs notes a graph up at StatCounter Global Statistics, which shows that in the last few days Firefox 3.5 became the most used browser version worldwide, edging ahead of IE7. IE8 is rising fast (along with Windows 7), but over the last few months the slope of Firefox's worldwide curve has been steeper. (In the US, IE8 has always been ahead of Firefox 3.5; in Europe Firefox has led since late summer.) The submitter suggests using the time when Firefox rules the roost, globally speaking, to put the final nail in the coffin of IE6, which still has a 14% global share (5%-7% in the US and EU; China and Korea are holding up IE6's numbers).

Herschel's First Science Results, Eagle Nebula 91

davecl writes "Over the next three days, many new science results will come out from Herschel. The first of these, a view deep inside the stellar nursery of the Eagle Nebula, finds a huge amount of activity, revealing new stars and filaments of dust that could not have been detected by previous telescopes. Also open today is OSHI, the online showcase of Herschel images where all the new science images will be found. Herschel news also available on the Herschel Mission Blog."

Submission + - Facebook status update provides alibi (cnn.com)

fattmatt writes: A NY man accused of robbery has successfully used his Facebook status update for his alibi. The best part is the actual status update... "On the phone with this fat chick... where my IHOP."

Comment 'Owning A Canadian' refers to a joke (Score 5, Informative) 513

A radio personality named Dr. Laura Schlessinger, an orthodox jew, once said on her show that homosexuality was an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22 and could not be condoned under any circumstance. "Why Can't I Own A Canadian is the title of the letter in response to her comments.

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