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Comment Re:Speech by corporations (Score 1) 140

You certainly make good points. stopping the ability of Corporations to project speech while allowing groups like Fox News and MSNBC to openly project a point of view would be (in your words) "outlaw[ing] speech by anyone who doesn't own a printing press".

Which is why I think that the DISCLOSE Act is a good idea. Allowing Corporations access to their protected speech. But not allowing them to hide that Protect Speech behind a SuperPAC. If a Corporation wants to exert its right to speech, let the Corporation take credit for what it promotes.

Comment Re:Boo frickin' Hoo (Score 1) 140

The Argument against would be that the people have rights, not the Corporation. Restriction rights of a Corporation does not infringe on the rights of he Individuals.

Saying that Corporations could not donate to Political Campaigns would not infringe on individuals making donations in their own names.

Of course, the Supreme Court disagrees with this position.

Comment Re:It's not iTunes or Apple, it's RIAA (Score 3, Insightful) 570

Furthermore, Apple isn't abusing it's power since it's their store and they can do whatever they want.

That's a pretty poor argument. Doing whatever you want is what entities that abuse power do. See Microsoft and the Explorer situation. It was their Operating System, they could do what ever they wanted. What they wanted to do and did was abusing their power.

Comment Re:Dear Proprietarians and Patent Trolls (Score 3, Informative) 197

Unfortunately, someone would be chosen. Remember, you don't actually vote for the President, the Electors for your State vote for the President in the Electoral College.

However, I do wish more people that were unhappy with those in power would go and vote and write in "no one" or some such nonsense. It wont have a bearing on who is elected - just like staying home - but it will at least let those that are elected and those that lost know that you are unhappy and not just lazy. And maybe they will start to court your vote.

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