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Comment Re:Get rid of the artifact? (Score 1) 538

No, because the volume depends on pressure. Which has a mass component. Circular.

Unless you measure in zero pressure, at which point the mass component becomes zero, regardless of the size of a kilogram. Squared :).

And at zero pressure water evaporates like crazy, so either pressure becomes non-zero or you run out of water.

Comment Re:NASA (Score 1) 380

Voyager Speed is 17 km/s ( So if we take pretty much the nearest star at 4 LY = 4*10^16 m = 4*10^13 km, it would take 0.25*10^13 sec for the Voyager to reach. One year is roughly 0.3*10^8 sec. So Voyager could reach the nearest star in about 10^5 years, that is one hundred thousand years. If you call that interstellar travel, smoke signals ( should work just fine for you as a way of communication.

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