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Comment Re:Poor solution, and not gonna happen anyway. (Score 1) 185

Trucks through Alps are forbidden? I have no first-hand experience but I could not find any reference to this, only contrary indications. For example, the Wikipedia article about Gotthard Road Tunnel ( ) says that "To improve safety after the fire, no more than 150 trucks per hour are allowed to enter the tunnel."

Comment Here's the message (Score 5, Interesting) 78

For those of you who don't want to watch the videos for the decoded message: i hope you are having lots of fun in trying to catch me that wasnt me on the tv show which brings up a point about me i am not afraid of the gas chamber because it will send me to paradise. all the sooner because i now have enough slaves to work for me where everyone else has nothing when they reach paradice so they are afraid of death i am not afraid because i know that my new life is life will be an easy one in paradise death. (original text in ALL CAPS but Slashcode does not allow it)

Comment Re:What nonsense (Score 1) 175

In 2004 there was a discussion here at ./ with the topic 12GB CompactFlash Cards Coming Soon. There somebody wrote: Really, I know there are a few niche applications for that much space in compact flash, but where's the real market for these? Aren't most pros still using film, making the ammount of people willing to spend that much money on a CF card even smaller? Discuss.

Comment Re:That's capitalism. (Score 2) 710

Of course it's in men's interest to keep women subordinate so they can be more easily exploited (and it would be in women's interest to do the same to men (...)).

I fail to see why - what has this to do with gender? Does your statement still make sense if we replace "men" or "women" with "people"? Do you believe that men are women are natural enemies?

Comment Re:Really good question (Score 1) 326

Apparently you don't what astrology is either, if you think that horoscope is a synonym of astrology. Horoscopes are interpretations or charts of astrology and not necessarily "astrologic" if made in entertainment purpose. Horoscopes are (possibly) a product of astrology. Other examples for clarification: - excrement analyses are not synonymous with proctology - notes are not synonymous with musicology - Windows is not synonymous computer science

Comment Re:Mixup (Score 1) 625

My point was rather that you cannot substitute astrology with horoscopes - they are a different thing. Many of those people that think that astrology is a science (I have not that opinion) would probably think that newspaper horoscopes and most horoscopes out there are pure entertainment (vs. real scientific horoscopes done by professional astrologists). Therefore the two questions produce such different answers - not because a third of the participants are dyslexic or have auditory processing disorders.

Comment Re:Shocking (Score -1, Troll) 409

This has to do with discrimination: paying someone less than someone else for the same work simply because of the color of their skin.

Unproved assumption. The same fallacy often occurs, when non-caucasian people are discriminated against. I bet the the same thing would have happened, if the employee would have come from a Eastern European country. It's not about race, it's about money.

Comment Re:2014 (Score 2) 254

Most people want to have the opportunity to hand off their device for whatever reason, even if it's "hey, look at these pictures of my cats."

In ten years, this will sound as absurd as the predictions in 1950's that we would communicate in the future by having robots deliver us letters from each other. When the number of wearable computer users reach a critical mass and the technology is sufficiently advanced, there's absolutely no need to hand over a mobile device - content can be transferred to another device nearby so easily that the process will seem almost telepathic.

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