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Comment Suits x Brains (Score 2) 264

The old history: Suits are overvalued, the techs are treated like shit. So, the thinking part spreads and the glorified millionary czars believe the company is lacking "quality control" and clutter the place with spreadsheets, metrics and all the control-freak mumbo-jumbo. To improve margins, let's order the salary spreedsheet and fire the better paid employees. Then crap hits the fan, and the omniscient suits don't know what is going on, since the luck has changed so "unpredictably".

Coward, A., "Traditional recipes for tech saavy inc. failure", vol I, pg 1


Why Don't We Finish More Games? 341

IGN has an opinion piece discussing why, as video games get shorter, we seem less likely to finish them than in the past. For example, BioWare said only 50% of Mass Effect 2 players finished the campaign. The article goes into several reasons gamers are likely to drop games without beating them, such as lowered expectations, show-stopping bugs, and the ease with which we can find another game if this one doesn't suit us. Quoting: "... now that gamers have come to expect the annualized franchise, does that limit the impetus to jump on the train knowing another one will pull up to the station soon enough? ... In the past, once you bought a game, it was pretty much yours unless you gave it to somebody else or your family held a garage sale. The systemic rise of the used games market now offers you an escape route if a game just isn't your bag. Is the middle of a game testing your patience? Then why not sell it back to your local game shop, get money back in your pocket, or trade it in for a game that's better – or at least better suited for your tastes? After all, the sooner you ditch it either at a shop or on an online auction site, the more value you stand to get in return."

Comment Sanity management (Score 1) 222

Indeed, I learned this while studying for my thesys.
How I proceed: Before gym, I read something very deep and complex. Just 1 sentence or equation. Then I would do my regular exercises, sometimes wondering what I read, implications and etc.
It must have something about internal brain/body chemistry, but the union is productive and healthy.
I dont use iStuff in the process, since today Im a bit sensitive to media overloads (images/sounds).
Also, I discovered that I already lost sensibility to sounds. I recommend everybody to avoid too loud music, since our life expectation is high and I dont intend to be a deaf old guy at 100 yr old.

Comment Stating the obvious (Score 1) 370

People don't like to have "special" devices to do what can be done without it.
If I buy some stuff and suddently it stops working, I will be pissed and look for something which will work. I dont give a shit to DRM. Behaviourism can explain why piracy is something usual: It is easy and you will not have frustations.
Too bad I can't pay the authors... I want, but the middle men ppl won't let me.

Comment Re:Not ready? No, and never will be. (Score 1) 391

This happens because there is a conflict of interests. If everybody life is in danger by an external cause, everybody will be frightened equally. When a true danger exists, and it is of everybody -real- interest, a very good coordination, something to be remembered for centuries, will exist.

Comment Re:Half a game? (Score 1) 214

Finally they found the right answer: Join the worse of both worlds!

Retail will not work, but you must have it! Download will not work, just if you bought the retail! Very clever answer. Nobody will want to download a simple .torrent with all that you need anymore!

Comment Re:WoW (Score 3, Interesting) 125

It seems that a public private server is contraditory by simple inspection of its name. Some friends of mine host a private server, well, for private friends. The server is used mainly at night, since we work all the day. Once I was an addicted, lost one semester of college with UO. Now I dont have more the patience to PKs, being killed unadverted of a battle between those I dont care, and that sort of crap.

I work 9h for day, mental work. My spare time, which is short, is applied mainly to have fun, no spaces to frustations. Being killed is normal to the game. Being abused is other history. This is why I look forward for these private server instead of public ones. And they are not -that- free, since someone is paying some sort of billing. I help my ppl with some bucks... less than the popcorn at the theater.

Comment Re:R.I.P Media Industry... (2009 to -) (Score 1) 335

If you consider the correct analogies...
East India Company

"Though the Company was becoming increasingly bold and ambitious in putting down resisting states, it was getting clearer day by day that the Company was incapable of governing the vast expanse of the captured territories"

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