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Comment Re:McCain (Score 1) 297

Crap like this makes me sad to be a republican. Drudge has a posting saying net neutrality = fairness doctrine. And a headline saying that the FCC wants to regulate the internet, in big scary letters. Net neutrality is such and simple and good idea, I don't even understand why this is political, and why repubics are on the wrong side of this.

Comment Re:Don't think so! (Score 1) 1123

Yes you can, I'm living proof. I have worked for some of the largest companies, and some of the biggest IT projects. That being said, it wasn't easy. Many places will not even look at you without a degree. Often you can't even get your resume past HR and onto hiring managers. If I had it to do over again, well I never really had a choice, so I guess I would do it the same, but given the choice, I would get the degree.

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