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Comment Kinda Disappointed (Score 2) 40

This seems like a remarkable discovery; a writing system that combines sight with touch. I'd have thought there'd be more of a discussion, not lame jokes about Perl. I mean, imagine combing written English with Brail. You could double the information density on the page, just for starters. I don't know what else could be achieved with such a system, but I imagine you'd have even richer ways of writing than we do now.

Comment Re:I guess this is great (Score 4, Insightful) 205

Quantum computing is not magic. It has problems it's insanely good at (in theory) solving, and it has problems where it's as fast or slower (because of the necessary error correction) as your traditional deterministic computer. Not only are we a long way off from personal quantum computing (we still don't even have a general purpose quantum processor), we still need to research deterministic architectures.

Comment Re:The Less You know, The More Scared You Are (Score 5, Insightful) 262

To clarify my point: The article mentions Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Steven Hawking. What do they all have in common? They are not AI researchers. The author of the book is a philosophy professor. They are all talking about and making predictions in a field that they aren't experts in. Yes, they are all smart people, but I see them doing more harm than good by raising alarm when they themselves aren't an authority on the subject. An alarm that isn't shared with the experts in the field.

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