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Comment Piffle (Score 1) 118

You fall into a black hole and you will heated up from friction to the point that you become atomized. The idea that wouldn't be incinerated is absurd when the brightest and hottest objects in the universe are quasars caused by material being incinerated from friction. Now whether you are incinerated first or spaghettified first or killed by radiation is a different story. One way or another though you will be incinerated.

Comment Outsourcing (Score 1) 177

I have to wonder what will happen to their outsourcing efforts if a person from India is made CEO? Microsoft already has well over 10,000 jobs outsourced to India as it is now? That being said their enterprise division generally seems to be run much more competently than their other divisions and he may well be the best candidate for the job.

Comment Honest name (Score 2) 430

Let's give this an honest name shall we. Why don't we call these bills Protect Oligopoly Results Kineticly act - or PORK acts. The only thing these bills do is protect the business model of existing oligopolies and prevent competition. They are inherently anti-capitalist and have no place in the US (or anywhere else in my opinion).

Competition is a wonderful thing and those countries that have competition have much better service for much better prices and their companies still make quite a bit of money.

Comment Re:Lots of nonsense (Score 1) 723

I think you'll find a hell of a time finding idiots that can drive in a foot, much less half a foot of snow. We get ice and sleet up here as well, or even the fun combination of freezing rain covered by a sheet of snow that hides the ice from visibility.

If you live outside of a main corridor you probably won't get your road salted before a storm. Even in major cities you probably wont see a plow for a few days after a storm and the streets are left covered in snow and ice for months at a time with no pavement visible. If you live in the country you might not see a plow for several days or a week after a storm. Anything less than 4 inches in many places isn't considered enough to bother sending out the plows at all.

You can drive up and down hills covered in ice, and we routinely do so. You sound like a whiny pretentious child. However in my years of travel I have spent quite a bit of time with southerners that are not whiny pretentious children and who routinely asked me for advice for how to drive in winter weather conditions. The advice wasn't for you, it was for those with a desire not to crash their car or get stranded the next time this happens. I know your conditions quite well. I have experienced winter weather in the south everywhere from Texas to Georgia. I have even driven in Atlanta during rush hour.

Comment Re:Lots of nonsense (Score 1) 723

I'm not oblivious to how things are in the south in the winter, I've spent a year in Texas and traveled the south extensively. It's quite possible to drive on ice and do so safely, you only need to google pictures of ice fishing to find all kinds of vehicles that are driven onto frozen lakes. The third responder to my post gave a fairly decent description that would work quite nicely for streets that are covered in ice.

The bottom line is to make your tires /barely/ move and ensure that they aren't spinning. This requires feathering the gas very gently, and as long as you do so you can climb hills covered in ice. Start your entry to the hill with momentum from before the hill and once your momentum starts to slip let off the gas keeping just enough to barely move. Once you are moving you can slowly add more speed, however as soon as your tires start to slip you have to let off the gas.

Comment Lots of nonsense (Score 3, Informative) 723

I read story after story about how most people don't have 4 wheel drive, snow tires and they don't have salt for the roads. Most people from the north don't have 4 wheel drive and they don't have snow tires (all season are most common). The amounts of snow that shut down the south doesn't even justify putting salt down up north, it simply snows small amounts like that too often to justify it.

Really, you don't need a 4x4 SUV with snow tires just to tackled a couple inches of snow. In fact a vehicle like that is more likely to lose control and roll over in the ditch. A regular 2wd car with all season tires is perfectly fine for typical winter driving in the north. If you can afford snow tires those are preferred, but hardly required. Applying more gas if your stuck will never get you out, it will just make you more stuck. Slowly rock your car out sideways and back and forth and you can free yourself most of the time.

What you do need to do is remember to slow the hell down. You need a lot more stopping distance than normal. You also need a lot longer to start and if you pull into traffic like normal your going to get T-boned. When you do slow down do so before the curve and don't slam on your brakes. Most people lose control and spin out when they are braking. Try braking when you are in an isolated area to know how long it will take your car - not you - to respond.

There is no excuse for that kind of thing other than people being reckless. If the conditions aren't familiar to you, than slow the hell down until you become familiar, it's that simple.

Comment Smaug is environmentally wonderful (Score 3, Insightful) 69

Replace the denizens of an entire city with a single creature - check. Single creature spends most of it's time lounging about and doing nothing - check. Single creature reuses the work product of others instead of making their own emissions - check. Single creature eats far less than an entire city - check.

It's a no brainier - Smaug is good for the environment.

Comment As bad as Obama (Score 1, Flamebait) 343

Snowden hasn't done a damn thing for peace. What he has done is cripple the ability of the west to gain intelligence. Intelligence is critical to allowing governments to have the knowledge to avert wars. Peace also comes through improved diplomacy, and I don't think anyone can honestly say that diplomatic relations have improved anywhere since he started his tell all. What he has done has hurt diplomatic efforts for any number of nations and that is pretty much the opposite of being a peacemaker.

You can make arguments about exposing what was going on with peoples privacy being invaded. However that doesn't have a damn thing to do with being a peacemaker. Look at the people that have earned the Nobel Peace prize in the past, they all focused on improving relations and easing tensions. To say that what he did in any way helped peace makes a mockery of the Nobel Peace price and deprives those who actually deserve it. /flame on

Comment Re:Pathetic Example (Score 1) 683

Socialism doesn't require democracy, in fact it often dictates a lack of democracy to enact as you run the risk of the people choosing themselves over the community. History is rife with examples of socialist states that tried to solve this problem by either eliminating voting or limiting voting to one party. The same thing goes for the right to assemble, if the masses assemble they might demand something different and socialism fails when the people don't want to go along with it. Again history is full of examples of socialist states where the right to assemble was strongly curtailed.

Socialism doesn't have anything to do with racism, culture or genocide as a requirement or a curtailment. Private companies were routinely seized by the Nazi's and even when companies were 'owned' in name by someone else they were effectively government owned. Such was the extant of this that they were seized as war assets and either put out of business or forced into new lines of business. BMW and Volkswagen are direct examples of the result of this (BMW used to make war planes and the blue / white propeller emblem is homage to that history). The nazi's were very anti-corporation and anti-business, traits that run counter to fascism and right wing politics.

I am not putting a flag in the Reichstag, I am simply stating an inconvenient truth, one that the youth of today tend to be unaware of. What are the elements of socialism? You will find all of those elements in Nazi Germany.

Comment Re:Pathetic Example (Score 1) 683

I take it you have never actually cracked open a history book to study the subject your talking about. The Germans invaded the Soviets because they thought they could surprise them and defeat them before they got any stronger. They were so confident of a quick victory they didn't even have winter clothing. I am not right wing, I'm a moderate that leans left. The only thing you got right was that Italy was right wing.

Comment Re:Pathetic Example (Score 1) 683

Propaganda? That was the last thing I looked up. I went by their values and social agendas as well as their actions. They were very adamant about implementing their socialist values and forcing the population to put community before everything else. Set aside the war crimes and genocide and look at the rest of what they did for over a decade - it was pure socialism.

Comment Re:Pathetic Example (Score 4, Informative) 683

The Nazi's were hardcore socialists that very much believed is socialistic ideals. The Nazi's were very zealous about their socialism and enforcing it. They used everything from price and wage controls to verdant support for trains for the masses. Hitler was an adamant anti-capitalist and used this to support his genocide of the jews. Labor unions were replaced by government controlled unions and shops and other business were routinely seized by the state.

You can read some translated propaganda here where the Nazi's explained why they embraced socialism. In their own words:

We are socialists; We are enemies, mortal enemies, of the present-day capitalist economic systemâ¦We are resolved to annihilate this system despite everything.

The Soviets took them seriously enough to form a treaty with the Nazi's in the time leading up to WW2 - something they weren't in the habit of doing with other nations. Industry was effectively owned by the government (even when in name someone else held the title) and German industrial companies were seized as government assets for repatriation at the end of the war.

By way of example Hitler saw the need for a cheap car for the masses and ordered Ferdinand Porsche to design the original beetle to his specifications (Hitlers original sketch is a Google search away). The result was the founding of the Volkswagen (people's car) for the express purpose of building an affordable car for the masses. At the end of the war the English got that bit and almost put Volkswagen out to pasture, leaving it be only because they thought the company was worthless.

Strip away all the genocide and war crimes and your left with very socialist ideals.

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