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Submission + - 50 years from now, science to achieve God-like abilities (nathancheng.com)

nathan_w_cheng writes: 50 years ago, Isaac Asimov described in the New York Times what the World’s Fair of 2014 might be like. Whereas Asimov’s predictions were to some “shockingly conservative,” it is impossible to have such conservative thoughts about the world 50 years from now. With 2014 as our starting point, in technological terms, 50 years is an incredibly long time. How far will we get if every decade for the next five sees the same level of scientific advancement as this past decade? Below, I reference over 100 articles to help us answer this question.

Comment Re:Closed Systems = Closed Wallet (Score 1) 163

This is true - it is a market of freedom. Now, I use *only* FOSS for my server-side development and deployment and have done so since the mid-to-late 90's. There is also no doubt that the influence of FOSS continues to keep closed systems like Apple, MSFT and even Facebook in check. We'll never return to the days of Windows de facto monopolization or even pre-Web strangleholds on online connectivity such as CompuServ, Prodigy, AOL.

We're all better off with FOSS, even if not directly using it.

Comment Rich web experience requires vigilance by users (Score 1) 362

As the richness of the web experience increases due to interactive technologies available on the client-side unscrupulous people work to catch people off-guard for their own advantage. At the most benign level this is done by advertisers seeking to gain attention. At the worst thieves use client-side scripting as a virtual pickpocket tool.

When possible I remind my family members to stay on alert when on-line (or even off-line). This includes not clicking on links in email, of course. It also includes not logging into a service unless they have entered the URL themselves or used a bookmark they have set up. Yes, this does not prevent MitM attacks and will not protect them from a scheme that changes a browser's bookmarks. But it solves the bulk of the phishing attacks to date.

One reason I prefer specialized apps for important services (banking, on-line status update services, email) over using a generic web interface is that specialized apps are less prone to be faked by XSS, phishing look-a-like pages, etc. This is especially true of closed platform apps like iPhone/iPad apps that undergo an approval process by a third party.

Sad as it is to admit one benefit to the lack of "freedom" on the iPhone/iPad platform is protection from scammers.

What is an open alternative to protecting the unaware from these scams? I'm all ears.

Comment "No proof exists" and other weasel words (Score 2, Insightful) 232

I probably watch too many cop shows but when a suspect says, "No proof exists", it's usually a sign of moral guilt. Maybe even of distruction of evidence. Regardless, this is weak and should be treated as a serious infringement against the privacy of the students and their families.

IMHO, of course. Oh, and IANAL but I do watch Law and Order. ;)

Comment iPad can't do everything my laptop can (Score 4, Insightful) 911

While it's true iPad cannot doesn't allow me to do everything my laptop does, I find that for most of the things I do with a laptop the iPad excels. Especially consuming content. Creating content is getting better (I'm more used to the keyboard and use an external BT keyboard for long writing sessions), iSSH makes it bearable to manage my servers remotely (the only servers I use anymore are "remote"), and when off work the iPad is a fantastic movie and gaming platform.

So, I am finding myself using my iPad more and my laptop less. (Ironically, I'm writing this from my MacBookPro :)

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