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Comment everyone needs to chill out (Score 1) 643

Even if this is fake, it seems people take things waaaaaaaayyyyy too seriously these days. Who gives a damn if some guy makes a sex joke. I still wouldn't care if my kid went to that school. Now, if he had said he sampled hobo, and police found dead hobos in his house missing their tender hobo hamstrings, THEN I'd understand if people freaked out.

Comment Re:! hyperdrive (Score 1) 322

I personally think the more that drive names and speeds resemble fast food sizing options, the easier it will be for the general public to understand. Normal car engines would smalldrives, jets and large ships would be mediumdrives, nonFTL would be largedrives, and FTL would be superdrives. Whether or not you wanted "fries with that" would be the only matter of contention.

Comment Re:But the beauty is (Score 1) 402

To me this seems like an amazing idea. I guess you'd have to be careful of a couple things though:

1) can this same process be used to make gas?
2) can this process be used to make enough gas to replace our need of fossil fuels?
3) will doing this on a large scale have unintended consequences? (marine life, ocean acidification, etc)
4) is it economically viable? i have to believe that if we could produce all our own fuel it would be so enormously beneficial to our economy and foreign policy that even if the end result was more expensive than it is today it would be worth it (within limits of course).

Comment Re:ARM? x86? (Score 1) 333

Processor speed isn't everything. There is also the concept of how much work a CPU can do per cycle. If you'll notice, ever since the first 3.x GHZ chips came out, SPEEDS haven't really increased very much (in many cases they've dropped!), but performance has kept getting better and better.
What also bugs me is when people think that the amount of memory in a video card is the main indication of its performance. In my mind this is the same type of thing.

Comment Heretic / Hexen (Score 1) 1120

This is definitely my most nostalgic series ever (first network game ever played was heretic across a modem), and a more modern version would be amazing. Although, I'd want to see real innovation, not just some thrown together piece of junk. Not that anyone wants that either...

Comment Re:My call... (Score 1) 358

Off topic, but I always find it hilarious when someone tries to give you shit about your local sports team when you don't follow or give a damn about sports at all. Even more off topic, but I have a theory that since I grew up playing all kinds of computer games, which are interactive and challenging, watching sports from afar feels like the most boring waste of time that could possibly exist. Thoughts?

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To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk. -- Thomas Edison
